Chapter 10

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~+ Ken's POV +~

I say my good-byes to Faith and Zack, then went home. I figured that I would try to make up with Bo. I walk up to our steps, then twists the door knob. It was locked. Good thing I know where Bo puts the spare key. She has never shown me, but I know her pretty well.

I walk over to our little bird house at the edge of our porch. There is a little compartment underneath of it that opens up without disrupting the birds. I take the key and unlock the door. Most of the lights were still on, which means Bo should be awake, knowing that she is a ' saving the energy ' fanatic.

I close the door behind me. I guess Bo was in her room, so I head upstairs quietly. I start to reach the top of the steps and hear Bo talking to herself. I push my ear up against the door to try and hear what she was saying.

" I miss you Kenna, I wish you were still you, not some monster that I don't seem to know anymore, " I heard her whisper to herself.

I was taken aback. How could she say that about me? I've been knocking on her little door every since I came back to Missouri, but she still won't open up to me. Is this how she really feels about me?

I sit there in disbelief for a few moments, then I stand up and stomp down the steps like a child. When I was 3/4 way to the bottom, Bo opens the door.

" Kenna, you're home," she says, welcoming me. I just kept walking. "Hey, where are you going?" She runs down the steps to catch up with me. She pulls on my shoulder, making me stop in place.

" Let go of me, " I say coldly. I could feel my blood boiling inside of me, which was not a good thing. I push her hand off of me, and I'm about about to walk again.

" Kenna, I'm trying to talk to you!" she says raising her voice, then she grabs my arm. My body temperature was heating up quickly , so she flinches at the feel of my skin, but doesn't let go.

" I said let me go!" I say then turn around quickly and punch her in her jaw. She stumbles back a little.

"What the heck!" she yells at me, then starts toward me. She puts her hands up in the fighting position, then lunges toward me.

I know her fighting style. She steps, blinks, throws her punch with her right hand, then steps back.

I stand there watching her moves. She finally steps, blinks, and now it was time for me to duck. I duck down dodging her punch, then I quickly stand up, lean back, and kick her in the ribs a little harder than I intended. I didn't feel right. I felt absolutely nothing when I did it. No sorrow, guilt, pain, mercy. Nothing. Maybe she was right. I am a monster.

She gasps and tumbles backwards. She falls then hits her head on the edge of the stairs . I stand over her probably unconscious body, and whisper, "I'm only the monster you make me."

I storm outside to cool off, literately, I felt like I was on fire. I didn't bother shutting the door on the way out. I walk out the door angered at the world. I walk for what felt likes miles. I stop in my path because I had no idea where I was. I saw a tree and walked over to it. I was still angry so I started kicking it. Then I kicked it again, and again, and again, until eventually it felt like I had no toes left.

I walk away feeling better, well besides my toes. I was walking a little slower now. The beat of the song In The Dark by Flyleaf was stuck in my head giving me a tempo to walk to. My bi-polar side of me cooled off and I soon felt good again.

Now that I was cooled off I asked myself some questions. If I go home will Bo try to kill me? Well metaphorically. What if she hit her head too hard? What if I hurt her or even.... killed her?

I stopped walking and turned around to go head home. Worrying about all of the possibilities that could happen.

As I walk, all of a sudden arms wrap around me and pulls me back up against someone. I kick as hard as I could, but it didn't seem to help. They took my arms and pulled them behind me then tying them with what felt like rope.

My howling screams filled the cool might air. Someone stepped in front of me and put his finger to my mouth, shushing me. It once again didn't help because I bit his finger so hard I made him bleed. Then he was the one screaming.

He ran off and another guy came and put duck tape on my mouth. Afterwards he put a brown sack over my head, so I couldn't see anything. They let me go and I ran, until someone tripped me. Making my head pound into the concrete like a ton of bricks. They then tied my ankles together.

I'm guessing a man came over and picked me up. He carried me a little bit then he threw me in a vehicle, making me smack my head again. With my head throbbing, I fell unconscious, awaiting to see how things will end up for me.

CoincidenceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora