Chapter 9

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Bo's POV~
I woke up with my hair in a twisted mess and my make up smeared all over my face. The events of last night flashed fresh in my mind. I really need to discuss this with someone, so I dial up Faith on my phone.

"Hey, you have reached Faith, sorry you can't get through, just leave your name and your number and I'll get back to you, beep," I hear Faith's voice sound through the phone and I hang up. "Thanks for that, I really needed it," I grumble more to myself than anyone. I decided to send her a quick text just incase she was still sleeping.

To: Faith
Hey, call me when you have a chance.

I peek out the window at Zack's house, since Faith and Zack just happen to be brother and sister. I see Faith's car parked outside along the curve and sigh. Hmm, she must be sleeping late.

So, I look towards her window to see if her curtain pulled shut, which would signal that she is sleeping. I see that the curtain is open and in the window is too, Faith and someone else is in there. I look and see, it's Kenna??? They are playing Just Dance and appear to be having the time of their lives.
I quickly turn back and close the blinds. I can't believe that Faith, my best friend, wouldn't answer my calls and instead be hanging out with my sister. I hear my phone ding.

From Faith:
Hey girl, sorry I'm really sick. I just want to be alone today if you wouldn't mind.

I don't even respond to her. She just lied to my face, but whatever. I trudge slowly toward my room and roll my eyes at the thought of Kenna and my best friend doing things that we should be doing together.

Next, heading to the bathroom I clean myself up and take a shower, enjoying getting to escape reality and clearing my mind. I then put on under garments, a pair of faded work jeans, my dingy work boots, a Johnston Farms shirt, and I grab my wallet and phone along with my car keys. I've escalated a plan to play a guilt trip on Faith. So I write a nice letter to her.

Dear Faith,
I'm really sorry that you're sick. I was just thinking about how close of friends we are and about how you've never failed me on anything. If you say something, it's going. You've always got my back whenever I get stupid ideas to go and do "funny" things. I realize that we are so close now, we both know each other so well. It's like we are almost twins, not like I need another twin, but you get the idea. You've never even lied to me before and it really makes me feel warm inside to think that I've got this perfect of a friend.

Sincerely, Bo

With that being done I fold the letter and put it in a plainly colored envelope. I then head to the pantry and find a jar of Nutella because I know how much she loves Nutella and I find purple, green, and blue balloons blowing then up with helium and tying them to the Nutella with a string.

I then hop in my car with a revengeful smile and drive next door, leaving my car running and walking to the door. "Ding-dong," the door bell coos and a minute later Zack opens the door.

"Hey, I'm sorry your sister is sick, can you give this to her?" I ask smiling politely. "Faith's not sic," he says stopping mid sentince. "Well, I mean she feels bad and wants to be alone now," he responds trying to cover. "Hmm, is that true now?" I question borderline sarcastic. "You know, don't you?" He questions catching my drift. "I didn't say that, now did I?" I state flashing a fake smile, putting the letter and Nutella in his hands, and leaving.

In my car I decide to head for work even though, I'm not scheduled to be working. I drive about 5 miles over the speed limit once I hit the countryside. Soon my 5 mile turns into 10 miles and next thing I know I'm going about 80mph down the highway. I soon spot the farm and slow down to make the turn.

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