Chapter 13

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Bo's Pov~

"Ugh, mom let me sleep for 5 more minutes geez," I mumble with an irritated voice as someone trys to shake me awake. "No Bo, it's me, Jon, Jon from work," he whispers. I open my eyes wide as I wonder how he got in my house in the first place and also wondering why he even cared about me. Then as I take in my surroundings I realize that I am in a hospital. "Hey Bo, I realize you don't like hospitals, I need to tell you something important, but first you have to come with me. Deal?" he questions, well, more like states. Before I have a chance to respond he grabs me and unhooks all the machines connected to me as I wince in pain.

Then rather roughly grabs my stretcher and pulls it down the hall. Eventually, we reach his truck and he opens the door and lifts me in. "Listen, I'm not sure I want to go with you. I barely know you, let alone feel comfortable with you driving me anywhere," I say with a matter of fact voice. "Hmm, a little late for that," he mumbles just before shutting the door and locking it from the outside. He quickly takes the stretcher back in the hospital and a minute later I see him running out and he leaps into the truck and drives off obnoxiously.

I groan in pain and try to close my eyes. "You okay?" He asks with concern. "Just a headache," I respond. "Here's some Advil," He says giving me two tiny pills. I pop them in my mouth and not a minute later I realized that in fact it was not Advil that he gave me; it was sleeping pills. Soon I was off in a deep slumber.


I yawn and for a minute am disoriented about where I am. Remembering, I jump and look around. I am located in a dark room with my hands tied on either side of a wooden chair leg. My feet are not tied so I try to stand up. Soon I come to realize that the chair is bolted to the floor so I cannot move. I mumble a few curse words under my breath as a sign of anger and hopelessness. "Hmm, little Ms.Bo doesn't like feeling hopeless now does she?" an unknown voice calls in a creepily.

I turned around furiously looking for the culprit of the voice. Finally out of the shadows emerges a buff tall man with a dark complexion. I inhale a sharp deep breath. What am I into now? "Who are you and what do you want?" I question boldly. "Sweetheart, Bo, right now you are in no position to be asking those questions," he responds with a smirk. "Just be strong and pull yourself together Bo," I mumble hopefully quiet enough for nobody to hear.

"So just out of curiosity, what are you even wanting from me?" I ask trying to sound confident. "Your secret, what else would I want?" he reveals as if it's the most obvious thing in the world. "What do you mean?" I question unsurely. "Come on now Bo don't act stupid, you know exactly what I am talking about," he says. With that being said he turns around and walks out closing the door and I hear a latch being bolted shut.

I decide to take this moment of being left alone to observe my surroundings. I realize I am in an old wooden rickety shed. The interior of this shed is mostly bare except for a pack of matches and an old rusty kerosene lamp hanging on the wall.

Soon my adrenaline starts pumping as I frantically try to escape. Soon I put my feet on the chair under me and try to stand to force the wood to break. I stand and pull with all my might as my hands and arms turn white do to no circulation. Eventually, I hear the wood start to crackle and splinter off.

I free the wood up enough to slide my wrists and hands out of the ties and spring out of the chair. I run instantaneously to the door and try to pry my way out.

Finally, tired and discouraged with no absolute luck I lean against the door and sink to my knees. I scout the shed for anything that may be at use for my escape. For some reason my eyes keep landing on the pack of matches.

I dart over to them and grab the pack of matches. I open it to find that to my disappointment there was not any matches. A note falls out and I bend down to pick it up. In a large but neat handwriting read," Nice try Bo, nice try." The note slips out of my hand and flutters carelessly to the floor.

"So I see you found my note," an unknown voice calls. Soon Jon appears out of the shadows. How did I not see him there before, I wonder to myself?

"Say Bo, why don't you just grab that big shovel over there and maybe we can go for a little walk. I know what this usually means. I'm not stupid I've read though stories where "why don't we go on a little walk" means that you walk somewhere and end up getting killed. I shudder at that thought.
Jon walks towards me and stands behind me pulling a small hand gun out of his pocket and pointing it at me.

"Start walking," he said trying to sound stern. I walk as slow as I can trying to think of something to do. There's nothing left to do except wait and do whatever Jon tells me. I could yell at him, cuzz, or try to run away, but it seems as though my heart just knows that the end result will be the same. The only thing left to do is just wait for a chance to go, a distraction, or anything for that manner, as long as I can get away.

As soon as I reach the shed door it opens widely and for a moment I pause blinded by the sun light. Soon I continue on and slowly I realize that I am near a highway. This could be my escape I think to myself. Apparently Jon knew exactly what I was thinking because he said," nobody travels these country roads very often nobody would ever see you.

I walk to the edge of some wilderness and soon Jon tells me to stop. "Start digging," he says trying to sound sure if himself. Reluctantly I do as slow as I possibly can. "So before you wanted my secret and now you're going to kill me. It just doesn't make sense. What kind of secret am I even supposed to tell you?" I ask trying to sound confident even under such circumstances. "Honey, it's about that power. You know what I mean, when you had that fight with the gang. That ice.... It's incredible, how did you do that?" He explains sounding more fascinated than anything else.

"Well then, now we're getting somewhere. My ice secret, now I know what you mean," I respond with a little more sarcasm than intended. "Shut up stupid sarcasm," I mumble inaudibly.


I look at the hole that I've been digging for the last several hours and realize that my time is almost gone. "Well, I guess this is it," I lightly state with a plain voice. "I guess so too, I'm sorry it had to end this way, but it was strict orders from the boss," he slowly explains. I wanted to ask who "the boss" is, but realized that it really didn't matter at this point in time. With that being said I lay my shovel down to catch my breath and enjoy the night air for one last time.

"You ready?" He questions lightly. "No not really, but I don't think I have a choice at this point," I respond sadly. I stood up quietly and held my head up high, I guess it's a pride thing. Even in this dreadful moment I want to seem strong and brave even if I don't feel like it.

This white loud truck comes driving by loudly. Suddenly, I heard the brakes squeal and the tires screech to a halt. Out runs a tall muscular figure coming towards Jon and I. I squint to try to make the figure out in the darkness. Soon I come to the realization that it is Josh. My face goes from completely emotionless to shocked in seconds. Josh tackles Jon to the ground and starts punching him in the face. Jon drops the gun almost instantaneously and it falls with a thud. All of a sudden everything goes silent as the two men fight. Josh keeps on punching Jon repeatedly and it seems as though I am frozen to where I am in shock.

Finally, I jump into action as I realize what happened. Josh has Jon face beat up and Jon is not moving. "Josh!" I call as he comes to his senses and races to me wrapping me in a hug. " I was so worried about you," he compassionately stated. I shiver suddenly realizing how cold it was. "Hey let's go back to my truck, it's warmer there," he said taking his jacket off and wrapping it around my shoulders.

"What about Jon?" I question. "Who cares about Jon?" he smirked putting his arm around the small of my back and walking me to his truck. He let me in and soon we drove back to my house making small talk the whole way.

He put the truck in park at the end of my driveway. "He hoped out and walked over to the passenger side of the truck and opened the door to let me out. He grabbed me before I had a chance to jump down he smirks while saying," I would carry my trophy in the house, but I don't think your parents would approve of me carrying you around." I paused and blankly said,"My parents? I don't want to go home, can I stay at your house for a while?" "Hey, it'll be okay, I'll stay as long as you need me too. Okay?" He states with concern edged into his voice. Reluctantly, I follow his lead to the house and open the door.

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