Chapter 14

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Ken's POV -

After the incident at the hospital, Zack and my dad dragged me back home. All of us sat in the living room anxious, chewing at the tips of our fingernails. Josh left earlier. I didnt question, he's probably blowing off some steam.

I sat on the couch hunched over. Questions filled my mind. I gave off blank stares. Where is Bo? Is she ok? Are those gang people behind this? Is this all my fault? Am i a monster? Can i solve these problems?

"I'm going upstairs," i blurt heading up the steps.

"Kenna," Zacks voice stops me from the bottom of the steps. I turn and look at him. His sea blue eyes digging into mine, and his hair perfectly swooshed to one side. I dont say anything.

"If you need to talk or let off some steam, you can come to me. I'll always be there," he says sweetly, softening my tension.

"I know that. But thats not important. Whats important is us finding Bo and to stop the people who are after us," i say a little to stern, then continue heading up the steps and into Bo's room.

I walk over to the bed and see Assassin and Sam sleeping together, peacefully.

I head towards her desk and sit down in the chair. I just wanted to Google up my answers, but i dont know what questions to ask. This is so frusterating.

Were those people after us for our powers? Are there others like us, and if so, did they suffer the same fate? My head felt pressured and i needed to relax.

I let out a groan of frustration and comb my fingers through my hair. Then there was a knock at the door followed by Zacks voice.

"Ken, hows it going in there?" he asks. I walk over and open the door to see him already gazing at me.
"I'm doing fine. Why are you still here?" I state a little too bluntly.
"I wanted to check on you , that's all. I mean we don't know where Bo is and that's a lot for all of us to take in."
"Well I'm working on a plan. You need to go home to Faith. You can't tell her about Bo."
"Ok, if you say so," he says, starts to turn around then says, " But before I go," then he turn back towards me and kisses my cheek softly. I was shocked and just stood there.
He looks at me again then says, "Just don't get in too much trouble with 'your plan'," smiles then leaves.
I stand there astonished as he leaves the house. I close the door and start to think about my plan. If I wanted to stop these guys, I would need to find out who they are, who else they've taken or gone missing, and to see if there are others like us.
Since the servers data base Bo and my mom have suck, I need to find one more suitable. I'm going to break into the public library and do my research from there.
It may seem like a dumb idea, but the library computers are suitable for what I need. I get my boots and jacket on, then find one of Bo's beanies and put it on.
I was about to head downstairs when I remembered almost every one was down there. They would wonder where I was going at this hour.
I start toward the window. Since I'm on the second floor, I would either climb down or simply jump. I open the window and feel the cool breeze greet me. I swing one leg at a time out the window holding onto the window sill. Now I had to decide if I wanted to jump or not. Just jump, I will be so much quicker I thought.
"3....2....1," I say then jump and land on my feet with an 'umph'. I regain my balance and jog off away from the house and onto the sturdy sidewalk.
After a few minutes I arrive at the library, careful to avoid any and all cameras. I search around for a window with no cameras guarding it. I finally spot one and stealthily as possible, rush to it.

Within a few moments i was inside, shuffling my boots across the carpet, examining the room and its surroundings. I spot the computers and head towards them.

I sit down in the grey chairs, waking the computers to life. No one ever thinks a library would have a suitable system for this, but they do. I hack in and look at missing people reports to see if there's any unusual ones or unusual deaths over the years and recently.

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