Chapter 7

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Bo's POV~

"Listen, Kenna you were like on fire, not even joking. This is sort of freaky, what's even going on?" I question rhetorically."Wait, do you think this is the explanation as to why your mom was so unhappy to see me?" Kenna asks quickly. "Possibly, are you completely sure that you knew nothing about this?" I ask. "Yes!" Kenna answers shocked.

We hear sirens off in the distance and decide to head inside quietly, as if to not wake up my mom. We immediately head up to my room with all the grocery bags I had brought from the store. "So, why are we bringing all this food up here?" Kenna asks as we reach my room and close the door. "So we don't have to deal with tonight's episode again," I say, feeling proud of my plan the whole time.

"Aren't you just a genius, Bo?" Kenna says almost mockingly. I put my finger to my lips to motion Kenna to be quiet. "Oh, I don't have to listen to you!" Kenna's voice blares to me. All of a sudden I hear foot steps coming up the stairs. "In a rush to shush Kenna and hide her from my mother who most likely heard us and was coming up the stairs, I shoved her in the bathroom. Grabbing the remote and sitting against the bathroom door, I turned on the TV and turned it up full volume to drown out Kenna's yelling.

"Kankara Bo Hacker, turn that TV down, I'm trying to sleep," my mom furiously yells before storming off to go to bed. I move away from the door and Kenna almost falls out since apparently she was leaning on it. With out a word, I lower my TV volume and turn it off. Next I lock my bedroom door and turn to Kenna.

Kenna looks at me distraught and quietly says," What was that, you, you idiot?" "Why did you just call me an idiot, you woke my mom up," I say equally angered at Kenna. Kenna takes a deep breath and I can almost see the fire in her eyes cool down a bit. "Why are we fighting, we've got bigger fish to fry, like what just happened," Kenna states. "Okay, I guess," I respond satisfied to end the argument.

"Hey want to go do something?" I ask, all of a sudden getting an idea. "Umm, depends what?" Ken responds. "I don't know,we could go for a drive, get something to eat, or whatever you want to do," I say listing ideas. "I want to see your car, so let's go for a drive," Ken responds. "Okay," I say grabbing the keys and leaving my bedroom.

I walk to the garage with Ken trailing behind me. "Mew," Assassin calls. "Want to take Sam with us?" I ask Kenna. "Sure," she answers quietly with a smile. I almost immediately smile back because I'm hoping we can learn to get along better. As if sensing to come, Sam bounds down the stairs and I lean down and grab Assassin.

With that we enter the garage and hop into my Lamborghini. I hit the automatic garage opener and we drive out. "So,what do you want to do?" I question casually. "Um, go to a gas station and get some White Out Mountain Dew!" Kenna answers excitedly like a little child. "Oh we can do better than that, what about some Red Bull?" I ask, attempting to persuade Ken into some Red Bull. "Dude, don't you go crazy with that?" Kenna ask me concerned. "Isn't that kind of the point?" I sarcastically ask. "Oh and we can spend the night at Zack's house, he invited us," I add trying to perk Kenna's interest.

"Really, I'm all about it!" Ken states. I do a little fist pump while still managing to drive my car. Then I stop at the local gas station and pay for 2 Red Bulls.

I jump back in my car, petting Assassin while shooing him to the back seat. "Oh I forgot to tell you, dad's going to be here tomorrow," Kenna says suddenly. "What!" I say with mixed emotions.

On one hand, my mom will not be happy to see my dad. On the other, I would enjoy getting to talk to my dad. Ever since my parents marriage went down like a fiery crash it's almost like a war going on between the split family. Kenna and I always have fought, but it was only brought to a new level. One that involves anger and hatid, not just the typical sisterly argument. My parents are just on and off arguing.

My parents are both trying to use us as their chess pieces. They want us to be better than the other and they buy us both nice things, hence my Lamborgini. We both are up to compete on who has the newest computer or the best phone. Who get to watch the best shows and basically stupid things like that. Honestly, I sometimes want to ask why they even talk to each other if all they are going to brag about what they have and which one of us is the most happy.

In my personal opinion, I think it hurts Kenna and I the most. They never stop to think that maybe their actually making us choose sides. They are our parents for goodness sakes, we should never have had to choose sides. Now, we're just at odds and ends.

"Um, Bo, you okay?" Kenna asks concerned. "Yeah, just not paying attention," I respond taken aback. I hand Kenna a can of Red Bull and ask,"Chugging contest?" I get the oddest look from Kenna before she says,"Let's go for it."

With that we pop the tops and start chugging. I finish quickly before I look down and see Kenna already finished. "Well then, how long were you done for?" I ask shocked. "Not long," Ken responds with a snide smile knowing she beat me.

I start my car and take off the parking brake, driving off down the road. I decide to go a little fast because it just feels right in this time frame. I turn on some music and check the time 12:00 at night, well, no wonder all they are playing is rap music.

I focus in on the song and decide that I have no absolute understanding of the song lyrics. So I make up my own lyric," Don't be hatin', ain't got no idea of what you be sayin', go get a tissue because you seriously got some issues." I take a deep breath before saying," Okay, remind me to never attempt coming up with song lyrics again." Kenna sarcastically remarks,"Done deal!" I chuckle before turning off the radio.

"So, what do you want to do now?" I ask. "Be crazy," Ken answers. "Well, you already are crazy," I respond snidely. "Oh, like you're one to be talking," Kenna says sarcasticly. "Okay, I forfit, I surrender," I say laughing, momentarily holding my hand up before grabbing the steering wheel again.

For a while we drive in a peaceful silence just enjoying a rare quiet time together. I let my eyes wonder to all the store windows and such. Sam lets out an urgent bark and even Assassin stands at attention. All of a sudden something catches my eye as I slide my car to a halt.

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