Chapter 5

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Bo's POV~
Soon at 6:00 when I complete milking the Holstein cows, I decide to call it a day. I quickly pat the last cow and head for the office. Ana, as usual is typing away on the computer like some crazy nerd scientist at NASA. I clear my throat to warn her of my arrival and she quickly jumps, startled.

I begin with,"I'm so sorry that my sister showed up and disrupted my work time, I promise that I will talk to her about that." Ana responds with,"Don't worry, your sister is a charm, she's so lovable." "I'm feeling the love," I mumble with much added sarcasm. Ana rolls her eyes and I turn around to check out.

"Okay, I'm leaving, see you later," I call out. With that I walk away from the farm. I note that it's dark already and that I should have been at home already. I decide to text my mom that I was on the way home soon.

To Mom: Hey, just got off work and am walking home. See you soon!

I slowly walk down the long winding drive to the main road, not excited to go home and face Kenna. I arrive at the main city and decide to continue at a fast run because of the "gang bangers" that like to hang out in the alleyways. I hear a loud gun shot sounding nearby and decide to finally kick it in drive to get home faster.I hear my phone ding indicating that I have received a text. I pull it out while still jogging.

From Mom: What is KENNA doing here? I thought that I told you to stay away from her. What's wrong with you? I thought you knew that I wasn't ready to see her yet.

I come to a sudden stop. What? How did they even meet? I bet it was Kenna. We are really going to have a talk when I get home. I start plotting what I'm going to say to her, believe me, it isn't pretty. Soon I reach my house and enter loudly, so that Kenna knows that I'm home.

She walks in and flashes me this hurt look. "How stupid can you be, read my text, stay away from my mom, and stay away from me!" I shout distraught at Kenna. Her face turn to disgust and she yells back,"What's wrong with you, not telling me where you are, not welcoming me here, never being a good sister?" It's almost as if something ignited inside Kenna, like a flame, a sudden burst of atp. " Listen, some people don't get to sleep in, some people have to work, and sometimes people need to learn how to respect that," I say giving Kenna an icy cold stare. I continue on,"I can take care of myself just fine without you. I don't even understand why you are so worried, it's almost as if we don't even know each other anymore."

There is a long pause and Kenna continues,"I'm glad that we don't know each other anymore because I don't even want to know somebody as thoughtless as you. You're selfish, mean, stubborn, and stupid all at the same time. I wish that I'd never met you because you're a terrible person and I wish that we weren't even related. I was really and truly excited to come and see you, but if I would have known, I would have went to a donkey farm and never would have known the difference."

"Is that true now?" I ask hurt. "Well, feel free to leave anytime," I try to keep my voice even to cover my disbelief. There is a long pause as we both have a stare down. "So, are you going to punch me in the face now or something?" Kenna says with added attitude. "No, but if you were a guy I would beat the living Nutella out of you," I respond Cooly. Before there is time to add anything else to the conversation, I did what I should have a long time ago; I walked off.

I headed to my room and closed the door, locking it. I finish cleaning my room and making the beds. I hear a knock on the door and ask,"Who is it?" "It's Ken, may I come in?" says, well, I'm pretty sure you know who. "I guess," I mumble walking to the door and opening it.

"Listen, I'm sorry about what happened out there a while ago," I say beating Kenna to the chase. "Yeah me too, I think we need a sister talk," Ken says in response. I walk to my bed sitting down and patting it for her to come and sit down. "Short and sweet?" I question. "Yeah, I'm good with that," Ken answers.

"Okay, I feel like you are sort of leaving me out of things sometimes. I need to know where you are now, I'm deeply concerned about you, whether you like it or not. I still don't understand the harm of visiting you at work. I guess that was stupid of me to go running after you while you were supposed to be working. I'm sorry," spits out Kenna quickly.

"Okay, I will try to include you more often and leave you a physical note, not just a text. I appreciate that you are worried about me, honestly, I do. The problem of visiting me at work is that I get payed by the hour. It doesn't look very good if I am on company time getting paid and talking to you. Also, if you are even on the property, you are technically supposed to have a document saying that you won't sue the farm if you get hurt," I say matter of factly.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't know about the legal document. Why didn't you tell me about that? I would have understood," Kenna states. "I didn't imagine you would show up, so I didn't bother telling you," I answer. Soon, Sam's barking interrupts our talk and we both race down the stairs. I spot my cat, Assassin, clawing at Sam.

I grab Assassin and Ken grabs Sam. We head up the stairs again, Assassin in my arms and Sam in tow behind Kenna. I check the clock and see that it is 5:00 in the evening. "Hey, I'm making dinner tonight, what sounds good?" I question. "Um, I don't know, grilled cheese maybe," Ken responds. "Okay, mom will be home soon, DON'T come down," I say emphasizing the "don't" part. "I will text you if/when it is safe, understand?" I question. "Okay," Kenna answers sadly.

I run down the stairs closing my bedroom door behind me. With that, I start preparing grilled cheese sandwiches.

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