Bridesmaids, Best Men and Plans.

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It has been 4 months since Jackson had proposed to me. I have been planning the wedding like crazy trying to get it done in time. It's currently October and the wedding is on December 1st so it as to be done.

I was sat at home on my bed with Jackson looking through all these bridal magazines and newspapers trying to work out what decorations we wanted at the wedding.

We had decided on the bridesmaids and the best man, the venue and reception and also the food, but I had no idea about the flowers.

"Why is this bit so hard!" I put one magazine down and picked up another as I started to get frustrated.
"Everything else was so easy to pick and now we can't pick some flowers!"

Jackson put hi arm around my waist and pulled me in for a soft kiss which calmed me down a lot.

"It will be fine." He kissed me slowly again. "Everything will be fine. I promise." He pecked my lips one last time as he picked up the magazine again.

"The bridesmaids are wearing lilac, so we need lilac flowers, and then we can mix them with some cream ones and maybe some light pink." He said pointing at one of the pictures on a page he just turned to.

"That sounds perfect." I kissed him again packing up the magazines as we had to get dressed and ready for work.
"Oh remember to tell Karev that he is going to be your best man today, because you both have suit fittings tomorrow."

I pulled on a white T-shirt over myself as I just reached out for my jeans, Jackson walked around to me, still only in his boxers and started to kiss me passionately yet slowly.

"Jackson we should stop" I mumbled through the kiss as my arms wrapped themselves around his neck deepening it.

"Well then stop" he said back as he pulled my shirt clean off my body.

I pushed him backwards until we fell on to the bed and started our day off right.

We made our way to the hospital and parted ways at the door as I went to go do a surgery with Mer and Cristina. It was a triple A that had progressed so far they needed me.

I was walking down the hall on the way to round on my patients when I caught up with Lexie.

"Hey Lex. How are you?" I asked knowing she was not back to full strength yet but doing well.

"Good... I'm doing good. Ready to start working full time." She replied filling in some last minute paperwork.

"Well you have your dress fitting tomorrow and I hope you will be there, because it would be bad form if my maid of honour didn't show." I laughed as I placed my hand on her arm.

Since the crash she had distanced herself from everyone, even Mark and I, Meredith had no idea what was wrong with her, but she walked around, now 5 months pregnant and didn't really talk.

"Is there any point me being there because I am just going to expand before the wedding so would it be better to wait?" She said as I felt a part of me die a little.

"Yeah... Yeah we should wait... My bad." I started to walk away from her and I called back "I'll see you later!" As I wiped away tears from my eyes.

I joined Meredith and Cristina in the OR and the procedure went seamlessly and the patient didn't die so it was a win win.

After surgery I sat down by myself in a cupboard and thought about my wedding and how amazing Jackson made me feel, it was like anything before this wasn't love. My heart flutters thinking about him, my palms begin to sweat and I act like a love drunk teen when I talk about him.

I went and found my other bridesmaids, Callie- because she made the whole thing happen for me-, Meredith- because she took me in the first time I got here-, and Cristina because she would throw an awesome hen night.

We all sat around and they said that they would be there tomorrow and then the topic of conversation turned to Lexie.

"Is she okay because I have no idea what is even going on with her?" Meredith said genuinely concerned.

"I don't know she won't talk to me about it" I took another sip of my coffee as we walked down the hallway.

"Mark said she's not talking to him about it, they talk about the baby, everything else but not how she's feeling." Callie injected which just made this whole thing so much more stupid.

"She needs to recover mentally, she can't be forced into something that she doesn't feel ready for" Cristina said as we turned around a corner and went into the attending's lounge.

"She will be at my wedding, she will be the maid of honour because she is my person. She will be there." I opened the door and saw Jackson sat with Alex, Mark and Derek laughing and talking about the wedding.

"Oh hey Lil!" Jackson said as we all walked in and sat down around the table. I walked up to Jackson wondering what was happening.

"Hey what's going on then?" I asked sitting on one of the comfy chairs.

"Well Alex, Sloan and Shepherd are going to be my best men at the wedding" he said hoping I wouldn't get pissed.

"Okay fair enough" I pecked his lips and went and sat around the table with everyone.

We all sat there for pretty much all day because we had a really slow day. Nothing much happened until Jackson and I got a page down to the ER and everyone else went to their end of day surgeries.

Jackson and I made our way down to the ER quickly but not in a massive rush. We walked down talking and laughing, we took our lab coats off before we walked through the door snapped on some gloves and went to see what this was about.

"Okay what have we got then." I asked as we walked into the trauma room to see a woman with a messed up leg.

"Kelly Bright, 27, got stuck in a trash chute, degloving injury to the leg, she's stable and all yours." The paramedics said as they walked out trying to get the smell out of their noses.

"Right Miss Bright we will clean this out a bit here, but we will have to get you up to an OR quickly if we want to salvage this leg." Jackson said as he took a seat and picked up his tools and started to remove food from this leg.

He looked so masterful using his tools, it just gave me another reason to marry this amazing man.

We finished up with the surgery and applied a pressure dressing to it, then we got Cross to monitor her as we made our way home.

I unlocked the door to our apartment and smelt something amazing cooking in our slow cooker that Jackson must have put on before he left for work.

I turned to look at him and I smiled my massive awkward smile as he walked towards me and layers a soft kiss on my lips.

"I thought we could have an us night. Dinner, a film, just relaxing really."

"That sounds perfect, plus we are not on call tonight so it will be fun." I said as I kissed his lips again.

We were laying on the sofa together after dinner watching  The Notebook and just enjoying our alone time. We didn't get much of it as I was always on call and Jackson had a complete opposite schedule to me for weeks.

"Oh I worked out what flowers we are going to have." I said as I stroked up and down his arm which wet crossed over my chest, as my head was under his chin.

"Oh yeah, what did you decide?" He asked actually interested.

"We are going to have white roses, mixed with dark purple roses and then the bridesmaids will wear dark purple as well. Then we will know what decorations to go with." I looked up at him and saw him smiling down at me.

"That sounds perfect" he said as he kissed me on the forehead and we continued our night of peace.

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