What Just Happened?

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We got back to Mer's house and saw her and Alex sat in the living room eating pizza and drinking beer. Arizona and I walked in laughing and came and sat down with them.

I put the bottle of tequila down on the table and we all just smiled. Mer walked and got the shot glasses and we sat there until 2am drinking eating pizza and laughing until we all couldn't breathe.

"Holy crap is that the time I have to be in the ER in like 3 hours." I sort of slurred my words as I went to stand up and we all just laughed again.

I picked up my box and walked towards the stairs sort of stumbling but not quite falling over. Tequila shots were not my friend this day as I got to the bottom of the stairs I dropped the box because I heard the door. I ran over and saw Jo standing there.

"Jo come in we are drinking tequila!"
I walked back in and sat down as Arizona laughed at me and poured me another shot.

I opened my eyes all dazed and confused about what had happened but all I knew was I had a screaming headache and an awful hangover.

I sat up realising I was on the floor. I looked around and saw Arizona asleep in the arm chair, Mer and Alex on the sofa both asleep. I stood up and walked towards the kitchen. Jo was in there and had 4 glasses of water with some headache tablets laid out on the counter as she made breakfast.

"Jo what happened last night?" I asked in a whisper as I took the tablets and drank the water.

"You all drank a bottle of tequila and then started dancing until you fell over and went to sleep and one by one you all passed out."

She handed me a plate of toast as Arizona walked in and sat next to me.

One by one we all came in and sat down until my pager went off.

"Drunk driver and a pregnant pedestrian." I stood up and grabbed my coat.
"Jo give me a lift in you can scrub in." At that moment Arizona's pager went off with the same thing.

"Oh me too she said." She grabbed her jacket as Jo kissed Alex and we walked out of the house.

We were running into the ER as I was trying to get some gloves on and I got there as the ambulance did.

"Ok what have we got?" As we rolled the pregnant women in.

"Kathy Bates, 24, pedestrian crossing the road hit by a drunk driver. No obvious head and chest injuries. BP's normal at 100 over 80 and both pupils are equal and reactive."

I was looking at her and her eyes glazed over and she wasn't there. I pulled out my light and passed it over her eyes and nothing happened they didn't react.

"Crap I think she may have stroked out because her pupils just dilated. We should take her to trauma 1 get Shepherd to confirm and check if she is an organ donor."

I lowered my head slowly and ripped off my gloves to get some fresh ones. Then Arizona piped up

"I can check how far along she is and try and deliver the baby and then if she is a donor you can start the recovery right after."

I looked up and nodded and mouthed the words 'thank you' as she rolled her into trauma 1.

I ran to the ambulance bay again to meet the driver of the car who was not going to die whilst I was on duty.

"Ok what do we have?" As I already knew but I helped the paramedics pull him off the rig.

"Terry Yates, 45, driver of the car that hit the pedestrian. The collision caused no damage but he tried to drive off and hit a lamppost head on. BP is normal and he has no head injuries but tenderness in the abdomen."

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