Derek - First kiss

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You walk onto the lacrosse field to meet with the rest of the pack. This is the night you'll fight the alpha pack.


"Yes, Y/N?"

"Where's Derek?" You ask him.

"I was hoping you'd know." Scott answers with a confused look on his face.

There's no time to ask further questions because a shadow appears in faint light on the other side of the field.

"They're here." Isaac whispers.

You and the other wolves put out their claws, Allison prepares her bow and Kira pulls her sword. Stiles grabs Lydia and steps behind the rest of the pack.

"It's time to fight." Scott says and he runs towards the alpha pack followed by the rest of you.


"STILES!!" Lydia screams as Kali slashes his stomach.

Stiles collapses to the cold grass.

"Kira, Y/N, Lydia! Take him to the hospital. Me, Allison and Isaac will meet you there later!" Scott yells.


"Mom? How is he?" Scott asks when Melissa leaves the examine room Stiles is kept in.

"The cuts aren't deep. I placed a few stitches and gave him a painkiller. He's good to go home but he needs to take rest."

Everyone sighs in relief.

"Thank god.." Lydia whispers.

"Guys, I gotta go and take care of something." You say and turn around.

"Where are you going?" Scott asks.

"Derek." You answer as you walk away in an angry pace.


"Derek!? Derek, where are you!?" You yell as you enter his loft.

"Why are you yelling? You seem mad." You hear a voice say.

You look at your left and see Peter.

"Oh, hi Peter! Well, just some unfinished business..." you mumble.

"He's in the kitchen."

"Thanks." You say as you walk towards the kitchen.

"Y/N, what can I do for you?" Derek asks when he sees you.

"Where the hell were you!?" You start ranting.

"We just almost got fucking killed out there! And what were you doing? At home baking cookies or something? You should've helped out there! Because of you Stiles got hurt! I swear to God, if you-"

At that moment you get cut off by Derek pressing his lips onto yours.

"I'm sorry. I really am. I should've been there." Derek says.

"It's ok. Just be there next time... And what was that kiss for?" You ask

"I needed you to shut up." He answers.

You raise your eyebrow.

"And I might like you." He admits.

"I might like you too." You say and kiss him.

When you hear footsteps you break the kiss. You look over your shoulder and see Peter stepping around the corner.

"Unfinished business, huh?" he grins and starts to applaud.

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