Liam - Autumn walk

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You're in your last class. When the bell finally dismisses you, you rush to your locker to meet up with your boyfriend, Liam Dunbar.

"Hey!" You say and hug him.

"Hi, love." He answers and gives you a quick peck on your lips.

"So, what are we doing today?" You ask as you and Liam walk out of the school.

"I was thinking, maybe we could go for a walk in the woods and then hang out a bit at my place?" He suggests.

"Sounds great! I love the woods in this season." You answer.


"God, it's so pretty." You say as you and Liam admire the colored leafs.

Liam grabs your hand.

"I'm about to take you to an even prettier place." He says and takes a left turn.

"Are you sure it's a good idea to go off the paths?" You ask him as you look around with a lost look on your face.

"I'm a werewolf, I know where I'm going and I know how to get back." Liam answers and he looks very confident in himself.

You smile. You've seen Liam struggle a lot with being a werewolf at first but now he can control it he embraces it and you're really proud of him.

You get woken up from your thoughts when Liam pulls you to the right.

"Here it is!" He says as he proudly looks around.

You're standing in an open spot in the woods, surrounded by colorful looking trees. The sun shining a little through the leafs giving the place a bit of a dreamy effect. In the middle stands a big tree. The long branches are covered in big yellow, red and orange leafs.

"Liam, it's gorgeous! How did you find this?" You say as you're astounded by the view.

"Yesterday I went to the woods to find a special place for us to hang out. It took me quite a while to find this place but it was totally worth the search." He says and looks at you.

"Why are you staring at me? You're supposed to stare at the view." You say as you look into his bright blue eyes.

"You are so much prettier than the view." He says and takes your hands in his.

You blush and smile.

You close your eyes when Liam starts to lean in and softly kisses you.

After a while he breaks the kiss.

"Why did you stop?" You ask.

"Well, even werewolves have to catch their breath sometimes." He answers.

You laugh.

Liam pulls you closer and kisses you again but this time with a lot of passion.


"Thanks for today. That really was a perfect date." You say when you and Liam are back at his place with a nice hot bowl of tomato soup.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it." He answers.

"I love you, Y/N." He says after a minute of silence.

He has never said that before.

"I love you too, Liam."

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