Aiden - Baking cookies

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Tonight you're gonna hang out with your best friend, Aiden. He may or may not be your secret crush as well... You walk up to Aiden's driveway. Just as you're about to ring the doorbell the door flies open. Aiden's twin brother, Ethan, bumps into you.

"Oh hi, sorry Y/N! I'm a bit in a hurry, it's date night for me and Danny." He apologizes.

"It's ok, have fun with Danny!" You answer.

"You too with Aiden! He has planned something different for tonight. I'm sure you'll like it!" He winks and runs off.

"Something different?" You mumble to yourself before you walk in.

"Aiden!?" You yell.

"In the kitchen!" He yells back.

When you walk into the kitchen you see Aiden laid out all kinds of ingredients. Flower, eggs, sugar, butter, even chocolate chips.

"Are we baking cookies?" You ask.

"Yep! Chocolate chip, your favorite." He smiles.

"This is such a great idea!" You say as you read over the recipe.

"I thought something different than the usual movie night would be fun." He says while he puts some of the flower in a bowl.

"Totally agree! You say and add the butter.

When the dough is finished it's time to shape the cookies. You roll balls and flat them a little and before you know it you and Aiden have filled a whole plate with cookies.

"Let's make different shapes on the second plate." Aiden suggests.

"As long as you're not making dick shaped cookies I like that plan." You answer.

"Ethan told you about the dick shaped cookies?" Aiden asks and looks a bit embarrassed.

"Yes, he did!" You burst out laughing.

"Well, I'm making hearts this time." Aiden smiles and starts to shape the dough.

When the bowl of dough is empty there's a full plate of Aiden's heart-shaped cookies and your whatever they're supposed to be shaped cookies. Aiden made one really big heart. It looks really good.

You set the timer and while you wait you clean up the kitchen.


The cookies are done and cooled down.

"Let's decorate a few!" Aiden suggests.

"You're so full of good idea's today!" You say while you grab ingredients to make icing.

After decorating even your misshaped cookies look good and tasty.

"You have some icing on your face." Aiden notices.

"Where?" You ask.

"There." Aiden points to a spot right under your lip.

You wipe.

"Is it gone?" You ask.

"No, let me do it..." Aiden says.

He places his hand on your cheek. But instead of wiping it off he leans in and kisses you.

"Now it's gone." He says and smiles shyly.

"T-thank you." You blush.

"I actually wanted to give you this before I kissed you but I guess I can still give it." Aiden blushes and passes you the big heart.

There's something written on it with icing.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" It says.

"Yes, Aiden! Of course!" You say excitedly and crash your lips onto his.

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