Parrish - Meeting him for the first time

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You're on your way to your best friend, Lydia, when your phone rings.

You look at the caller ID, it's your mother. You pick up.


"Y/N? Can you please go to the police station? Like right now?"

"What? Why? Mom, I told you I was going to Lydia."

"Your brother got in trouble and your father and I both can't leave work. So can you please pick him up?"

"Sure. I'll text Lydia that I'll be late."

After you quickly text Lydia an explanation you sigh and head to the police station.


You walk into the station.

"Can I help you?" A cute guy behind the counter asks.

"Yeah, I'm here for Jackson Whittemore. He's my brother." You answer.

"That happens to be my case. Let me introduce myself. I'm Deputy Jordan Parrish." He says and holds out his hand.

"I'm Y/N Whittemore." You shake his hand.

"This way!" Jordan says as he walks through a door that says 'office'.

You follow him in. You look around the room that is filled with the desks of Deputies.

On the very right you spot Jackson, handcuffed to the bench he's sitting on.

"I believe your sister is here." Jordan says as you two walk over to your brother.

"Jackson! What the hell!? What did you do?" You angrily say to your younger brother.

"Y/N, cut the parenting please. You're only 2 years older." Jackson rolls his eyes.

Before you could say anything else to Jackson, Jordan speaks up.

"He was driving 60 miles an hour above the speed limit. And therefore we will be taking his license for 6 months." He explains.

"What happens to my Porsche if I'm not allowed to drive it?" Jackson asks.

"After you're dropped off at home your sister or your parents can come pick it up." Jordan answers.

"I'll do it right after I drop him off at home." You say.

"Okay, then I'll see you soon. Make sure you ask for me at the counter and I'll give you the keys. You'll only have to sign something, it's not a big deal." Jordan says and he un cuffs Jackson.

On the way home you can't stop thinking about Jordan. You really weren't looking forward to going to the police station at all, but now you met him you can't wait to go back.

When you get home you realize you can't take your car to the station because driving 2 cars is impossible.

You decide to call Lydia.

Luckily you have an amazing best friend who's willing to drop you off.


You walk into the station again. This time you're in a way better mood than earlier today.

"Hello, I had to ask for Deputy Parrish?" You say to the woman at the counter.

"Sure, let me get him for you." The woman answers and walks away.

2 minutes later she comes back with Jordan. You can't help but smile like an idiot.

"Hey, Y/N! That was quick!" He says as he hands you a form and a pen.

You quickly read it over and sign it while he opens a little safe and grabs Jackson's car keys.

"Number 26, that Jackson's." He says as he looks at the little card with number 26 on it that's attached to the keys.

He grabs a pen and flips over the card. He's writing something on it but you can't see what.

"Here you go!" He says and shoves the keys with the card still attached to your side of the counter.

"Thank you! For everything." You say as you grab the keys and walk out of the station.

While you're on your way to Jackson's car you flip over the card to see what he wrote.

It says 'call me' and he wrote his number under it.

You smile and immediately save him in your contacts.

If this is what happens when Jackson gets arrested then you wouldn't mind him getting arrested a little more often.

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