Tamaki shook his head repeatedly, completely terrified. "No! That's not it at all! I didn't want you getting upset, so I wasn't going to tell you. But then I realized I should be honest with you."

"Oh, so you were planning on not telling me at all?!" Kyoya shouted.

"At first... But I changed my mind because I knew not telling you would just fill our relationship with lies. I don't want that." Tamaki smiled nervously.

Kyoya glared at him for a few minutes, then let go of his shirt.

"So do you think we should tell your sister today? She'll be here, right?" Tamaki asked innocently.

Kyoya scoffed, walking upstairs to his bed.

"I'm guessing that's a no..." Tamaki mumbled.

"Of course it's a no Tamaki! God you're such an idiot. You selfish bastard." Kyoya laid on his bed, burying his face in his pillow.

Tamaki would be surprised by his words, but he wasn't. He knew he was right. And he also knew how Kyoya swore a lot while he was upset, so that didn't surprise him much either.

Tamaki contemplated his next moves. He decided to follow Kyoya up to his bed. "Kyo~"

"Get the hell out of my room." Kyoya shouted, his voice muffled by the pillow.

"Come on Kyoya, please talk to me."

"Why don't you go talk to that girl. She seems more interested in you then I am at the moment."

"Kyoya you know it was nothing."

"So are our kisses nothing to you either?" He mumbled, rolling over and staring at the ceiling.

"No! Kyoya that's not it at all!"

"Well it sure as hell feels that way."

Tamaki sighed. "Kyoya I'm not even into girls."

"You refer to me as a woman by calling me Mommy, so that must mean you aren't into me right?"

Tamaki was finally getting upset. "GOD KYOYA! Would you stop being so obnoxious and just listen to me? I said nothing happened. She kissed me, I didn't like it. Ok? Could you just be thankful that I'm actually telling you?" He snapped.

Kyoya's eyes widened a bit, but they quickly went to a glare again.

"Go fuck yourself."

"You're so immature Kyoya! Everyone thinks you're the cool type but deep down you're just a selfish child!"

"I'm the selfish child?" Kyoya spit. "Why don't you take a look in the mirror? You get everyone to do everything you want. Hell, the world revolves around you Tamaki Suoh!"

"Don't you use my full name."

"Oh why? Because it only PROVES MY POINT? You're a spoiled Suoh!"

"Well you're a spoiled Ootori!"

"Spoiled? I'd be lucky if my father even gave me a second look. And you think I actually get gifts for Christmas or my birthday? You think I had toys as a child? No, Tamaki! I didn't! I got my first checkbook when I was 5! I was suppose to practice writing checks everyday!" Kyoya yelled.

"Well at least you had a father! I didn't for years, and my mother was sick! I had no friends. And then when I was older the roles reversed and I was stuck with a dad too busy for me. And who the fuck knows where my mom is? At least you have both of your parents!" Tamaki fought back.

"Oh, so you think I actually have both my parents? Well have you ever wondered where my mother always is? Because I don't believe I ever told you about her, nor introduced her to you."

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