V: V.I.P Access

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    "So." I draw the word out for a moment, gathering the courage to face Kat with more of my burning questions. "Do you visit my dreams ever?"

    She remains silent for a while, her gaze directed out the window of our cab. "Yes." Her response is simple and guarded.

    I wonder if there is more to the answer, or if I can fire off more inquiries about my superhero best friend. For some reason, this whole paranormal quality of her seems to fit. I always found her interesting beyond rational explanation, and this new development seems to put the cherry on top.

    "I'll try to prevent the nightmares in dreams of people I care about," Katherine informs casually, her nimble fingers tapping against the glass. "But it's humanly impossible for me to groom other people's dreams every single night."

    "Understandable," I agree, nodding my head.

    Something in the way Kat looks today really catches my attention. Maybe it's because I've found out she has an amazing power. But I can see a physical change, an alteration that I can't quite put my finger on.

    She has pale blonde hair, almost silver in the current lighting, that cascaded down her back in loose curls. When I first saw her, I thought that she was an angel. Since that belief has been debunked, I have yet to think of her any less than an innocent spirit, and I treat her just the same.

    "You can drop us off up here," she instructs kindly to our driver, turning to give me a small smile. "We'll walk the last few blocks."

    I pay the driver as we leave the vehicle. Katherine is staring off into nowhere by the time I close the cab door. It speeds off and suddenly the bustling city seems a lot different, more meaningless.

    It's like a whole new world has opened up to me. If it's possible to control dreams, are there other types of powers that exist? Telekinesis? Telepathy? Those all don't seem to rash, considering Kat manipulates other people's minds when they're sleeping.

    I hesitate on that thought for a moment.

   It's not all fun and games. Clearly the negative repercussions have really impacted Kat. Her panic attacks, the anxiety, are only the diagnosed symptoms. I can't even imagine what goes on inside her mind.

    My body collides with Kat's as we turn the corner. She halts like an animal, poised for an attack.

    "Woah there," I murmur, massaging her stiff back with my hands. "I'm sorry to say, but you don't have much of a weapon to be on the offensive already. Unless you plan on passing out and fighting them that way."

    "There's a guard," Katherine states, ignoring my sarcasm. She sounds both pleased and dismayed at her sudden discovery.

    I look over her shoulder at the hulking body, standing outside the entrance. "How is that humanly possible?" I wonder in awe. "I lifted for six weeks straight and barely got more than baby bumps on my biceps."

    "Come on," Kat hisses, grabbing my arm. "There's a side entrance."

    We rush down an alleyway, nothing more than a dumpster and stray garbage.

    Kat hesitates at the door, cracked open with a block of wood. Cool air blows out, an intoxicating smell rushing into my face.

    "This club always smells so good," I inform, inhaling the perfume. "That's why I make us go here." My moment of euphoria is halted by Katherine, a blank expression on her face as she watches me.

    "What are you talking about?"

    "You don't smell that?" I cry, thrusting a finger at the door.

    Shaking her head slowly, Kat turns to face me fully. "All I smell is garbage." She wrinkles her nose to authenticate her point.

    "Well it doesn't matter," I blurt, words rushing out of my mouth. I realize what that smell reminds me of, who it reminds me of. "You go in. Do your thing. I'll wait here."

    Katherine hesitates again before the door.

    "You have your phone, right?" I ask, checking my pocket for mine.

    She nods.

     Suddenly the full weight of her body is in my arms, the same intoxicating smell of the club lifting into my nose now. I stumble back a bit in the embrace.

    "Thank you, Asa," she whispers into my chest, the subtle sounds vibrating through me.

    "Only for you, Kat," I remind finally, gaining my voice back.

    She creeps through the door without looking back. Her foot kicks the wood block to the ground and the door clicks shut before I realize what's happening.

    "Shit," I spit, jiggling the handle pointlessly. I kick the wood block and it hits a solid figure in the alley before me. "Oh." My gaze meets the guard's flippantly, and I raise a hand to wave. "I didn't see you there."

    "This is a restricted area. No loitering." His voice is softer than I anticipated, but he still barks like a military sergeant.

    "This is an alley," I retort, crossing my arms. "There's nothing special here."

    The guard looks at me hard, apparently not taking any of my bullshit. "I saw you and your friend."

    I perk up. "Then why aren't you after her right now?" I cry, pointing to the door. I'm certainly not capable of holding my own against this hulking beast, but maybe Kat could use her voodoo on him.

    "V.I.P. Access."

    I let that sink into my brain for a moment. How does Katherine have special access to the club?

    He sighs, reaching out to grip my shoulder. "Come on."

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