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Kian's POV


"I'm tired." Makayla whined sitting next to me. I chuckled and wrapped my arm around her shoulder
"A little while more then you can go to sleep." I said kissing her cheek
"I hate you." She huffed
"No you don't." I said cupping her cheeks
"No I don't." She whispered leaning in and kissing me

I smiled into the kiss and grabbed her waist pulling her closer
"Alright don't forget I'm here too!" Jc yelled making us pull away and laugh at him
"Sorry." I chuckled leaning back
"Sam is coming tomorrow because he wants to spend Christmas with Ashley alone." He smirked

"Nasties." I shook my head he chuckled and nodded
"I want to sleep." Makayla whined snuggling up to my chest
"She's never last till Christmas huh?" I asked Jc. He chuckled and shook his head
"We could do it tomorrow." She mumbled

"We are, at twelve." I smirked
"Hmm." She said hitting my chest
"Abusive." I whispered in her ear
"Am not." She shook her head
"Fifteen more minutes Makayla you can last." Jc teased
"I don't wanna." She whined snuggling up to my chest and muffling a scream

"Babe calm down." I laughed
"It's not good to make a pregnant lady stay up yanno?" She said
"I know but you won't hurt me." I kissed her cheek
"I know." She groaned
"I'm third wheeling so hard right now." Jc chuckled

"Yea you are." I teased he rolled his eyes and threw a pillow at me
"Hey!" Me and Makayla yelled in sync
"Damn chill." He laughed
"You hit her man." I said rubbing Makayla's head
"I'm ok." She giggled
"Hush." I said pecking her lips
"Ten more minutes." Jc said I chuckled and flipped him off

"I'm gonna go get something to drink." Jc said standing up and walking into the kitchen
"Babygirl." I said cupping her cheeks
"What?" She asked
"I love you." I said running my thumb on her bottom lip
"I love you too." She smiled looking at my lips

I leaned in and kissed her.
I can't wait to get married
I know I say that a lot but I just can't
That feeling of being married and with her forever makes my stomach churn...in a good way of course

"Good god you guys have been kissing for eight minutes how do you not need air?" Jc asked we pulled away and blushed
"She's a good kisser." I shrugged
"Anyways." He clapped I chuckled and rolled my eyes
"These are from me." He said handing me and Makayla each a present

"Oh here open mine first." Makayla said giving him a box
"Yours is right here." She said placing it on my lap. I smiled and kissed her cheek
"This is yours." I said giving her a gift bag
"And this is yours." I said handing Jc a box
"Do we open them now?" Makayla asked we nodded

I opened Jc's present to see a backpack with Benjamin Franklin on it but it said Air Franklin
"Dude this is dope." I smiled at him
"Thank you." I said he nodded
"Naughty?" Makayla giggled showing me her present. I had bought her a kit of lotions from Victoria Secret Pink
"Yea." I smirked she rolled her eyes and kissed my cheek

"Thank you, I love it." She smiled
"No way." Jc said holding a cross pendant I bought him
"I remember how you've always wanted it." I shrugged
"Thanks man." He smiled this time I nodded
"I needed earphones." Makayla smiled at him
"And a cell phone case." She smiled wider

The Bad Girl ✖ Kian Lawley [COMPLETED] ✔Where stories live. Discover now