Date Night

956 16 19

Makayla's POV

"Hey." Kian said walking into my room I nodded and continued to draw
"Watcha doing?" He asked sitting on my bed
"Nothing." I said closing my sketch pad he raised a brow giving me the I don't believe you look

"Drawing that's what I was doing." I said putting the sketch pad underneath my bed
"Oh you still draw?" He asked I bit my lip and nodded
"What were you drawing?" He asked
"Oh you know, you." I totally wasn't going to tell him I was drawing him now am I?

"Stuff." I mumbled
"Stuff?" He chuckled I nodded
"I'm not telling you!" I whined he chuckled
"Ok, Mike and Karla are downstairs sucking face." He groaned I scoffed and rolled my eyes

"That's nasty." I said srunching up my nose he chuckled and nodded. He looked like he wanted to say something but shook his head

"What's up?" I asked him
"Nothing." He said quickly
"Kian?" I said raising a brow he sighed and played with his fingers
"Would go on a date with me?" He asked biting his lip
"Are you serious?" I asked I didn't mean to sound harsh

"I'm sorry it was a stupid question I s-I cut him off
"Yes, I'll go on a date with you." I said smiling
"Really?" He asked shocked but his eyes were filled with joy. I giggled and nodded
"Oh my god!" He said picking me up

"Kian!" I giggled as he put me down
"Would you wear a dress?" He asked biting his lip
"Ok." I groaned he chuckled
"But when?" I asked him since I own no dresses what so ever!
"Tonight." He replied quickly

"I'll see if Kimberly or Amber have a dress I can wear." I smiled
"You don't have to." He said I smiled
"But I want to." I said to him
"Awesome." He said smiling widely
"You're such a dork." I teased

"Whatever." He mumbled I chuckled
"Let's go eat some breakfast the girls cooked." He said grabbing my hand
"We're gonna die." I said making him laugh. We walked downstairs and Mike and Karla were sucking face

"Wow this actually looks good girls." I said looking at the table. There was scrambled eggs, bacon, pancakes and hash browns
"We try." Kimberly and Amber smirked I chuckled
"Did you seem them?" Amber asked looking out the kitchen

"Mike and Karla?" I asked she nodded
"Yea they deserve eachother." I chuckled and nodded in agreement
"Morning!" Adam said walking in the kitchen and grabbing a pancake and eating the whole thing in two bites

"Pig." Amber mumbled
"Sorry." Adam said in a sorry not sorry tone I chuckled and rolled my eyes
"Come eat fags!" Adam yelled at Mike and Karla
"Fuck you!" Mike said walking in the kitchen along with Karla

"Hey umm...Amber, Kimberly do you guys have a dress I can borrow?" I asked nervously they smiled widely
"Oh my god!" Amber squealed
"You gonna wear a dress?!" Kimberly clapped I rolled my eyes and nodded

"We have the perfect one for you." Amber smirked
"Not too slutty." I joked they gasped
"Never." Kimberly shook her head
"Why do you need a dress Mac?" Adam asked me I gulped and looked at Kian he smirked and winked at me

"No reason." I mumbled
"Nah! You looked at Kian what's going on?" Adam insisted
"Nothing man." Kian chuckled
"We'll make her spill." Amber smirked
"Oh my gooooooood!" I groaned they chuckled

"I'm taking her on a date you happy?" Kian said their jaws dropped while Karla and Mike looked jealous
"Oh my gosh! No are you for real?!" Amber asked
"Yes." Kian chuckled I nodded
"We have to make you look perfect." Kimberly said

"More than she already is? Not possible." Kian said shaking his head
"I'm not perfect." I said hitting his shoulder he pouted
"Get some man!" Adam said patting Kian on the back
"Chill dude." Kian said rolling his eyes but cracked a smile

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