Bad Boy

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Makayla's POV

"Yea she's sleeping." Kian said to Jc
"Morning." Jc said to me
"Goodmorning." I said with a slight smile
"What's so good about it?" Kian snapped
"Alright enough." Jc defended me
"Can I go out?" I asked him he nodded

"No drugs." He said pointing at me
"I make no promises." I said walking out of the house. I walked to an alleyway
"Hey, got the stuff?" I asked the guy
"Weed right?" He asked I nodded he eyed me suspiciously

"Here." He said and gave me the bag I gave him a hundred dollar bill and was on my way
"Finally." I mumbled putting hiding the weed in my jacket. I walked back home to a sleeping Karla and Kian watching tv
"Where's Jc?" I asked him he shrugged

"Fuck you." I said walking upstairs and slamming the door I heard footsteps coming upstairs so I hid the weed
"Don't fucking slam the door Makayla! Karla is sleeping." Kian said opening my door I shrugged
"Can you leave now?" I asked him

"My pleasure I don't want to be in the same room with a bitch like you." He snapped
"Fuck you Kian get out! You know what? I will." I said grabbing the weed and pushing past him

I walked downstairs and made my way out the house
"What's going on?" Jc asked getting off his penny board I hid the weed in my jacket
"I'm leaving, where? I don't know." I said pushing past him

"What happened Makayla?" Jc asked grabbing my hand
"Ask your fucking best friend!" I yelled pointing at Kian
"What's in the bag Mac?" Kian asked me. Damn it

"What bag?" I played dumb
"The one you hid in your jacket." Kian said pointing at me
"Gummy worms want some?" I asked taking a bag of gummy worms out
What? I have to be prepared. He sighed

"Get in the house Makayla." Jc ordered
"You're not the boss of me I'm eighteen." I said rolling my eyes at him
"I'm you're big br-I cut him off
"Brother? Don't make me laugh Jc!" I yelled at him

"You we're my brother but you ruined it by moving away with him!" I yelled pointing at Kian
"You're the reason I'm the way I am!" I yelled at him
"You're the reason I do drugs, see this." I said taking out the weed

Jc's jaw dropped as did Kian's
"We'll never be close like we used to Jc! And that's all on you not me!" I yelled
"You may be my brother by blood but you're nothing to me!" I yelled before I ran away

After 15 minutes of running I stopped
"Fucking Kian." I mumbled. I looked around and saw a Starbucks. Sighing I walked inside
"Next!" A lady yelled I walked up
"One pumpkin spice latte please." I asked her she nodded
"Name?" She asked

"Mac." I said she looked at me and nodded
"Your total is 1.99." She said I gave her a five dollar bill. She gave me three dollars and a penny back
"It'll be ready in 5 minutes." She said I nodded and sat down in a booth

"Why is a beautiful girl sitting all by herself?" A male voice said I turned around and it was Cameron
"I had a fight with Jc." I said to him
"Can I?" He said pointing to the booth I nodded and he sat down

"What happened?" He asked
"Well me and Kian were fighting." I said he nodded
"And I walked out of the house." I added
"Then Jc said to get in, I said no yelled at him and here I am." I said putting my hands on the table

"Mac, give him a chance Jc cares about you." Cameron said
"He left me Cam, he's the reason I am how I am today." I said to him
"When he left I had no one to talk to so I bottled everything up and became this." I said pointing at myself

"I like this you, you're more confident." He sniled softly
"Look I know there's still the old Makayla in there." He said
"And it's up to you to find her." He added
"That Makayla is dead Cam, I'm not the same anymore." I mumbled

The Bad Girl ✖ Kian Lawley [COMPLETED] ✔Where stories live. Discover now