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Kian's POV

I can't believe I cheated on Makayla
Those three words she said last night broke my heart. I hate you! I hate you! I hate you! I hate you! I hate you! I hate you! I hate you! I hate you! I hate you! I hate you! I hate you!

Trust me I hate myself too...
"Morning." I said walking downstairs
"Morning." Jaylen replied
"What did you do to Makayla?" Joe Felix asked
"He fucked up that's what he did." Mike mumbled

I glared at him and frowned
"How is she?" Mike asked Jc
"She's better I guess." Jc mumbled
"I hope you're happy." Mike spat
"I didn't mean to ok? I was drunk." I mumbled he scoffed and stood up

"I don't know what you did because she won't tell me but I know it was something bad and I swear when I find out you're dead." He spat and walked away. I sighed and buried my face in my hands
"Makayla loves you." Jaylen said randomly I looked up at her

"What?" I asked
"She told me yesterday morning that she loves you very much." She said
That broke my heart even more
God I'm so stupid! Yeah no shit sherlock! Would you believe me if I said I don't even know who I cheated on Makayla?

I mean I know I did it but I just don't know who it was
"Are you ok?" Jc asked me
"No." My voice cracked he sighed
"I know you were drunk but Mac is really hurt right now." He said I nodded

"Who was it?" I asked looking at him
"You don't remember?" He asked I frowned and shook my head
"It was Karla." He mumbled I felt disgusted in myself
"I'm such a fuck up." I said standing up
"Where you going!" He yelled as I walked away. I didn't answer him and walked out of the house

~~~2 Weeks Later~~~

Mike and the kids left about a week ago. Makayla doesn't come out of her room. You could hear her blasting her music. She only talks to Jc and doesn't even look at me. That day I walked out of the house I went to a bar and got shit faced drunk. I don't remember much of that day but all I know is that I was so disgusted in myself and disappointed

"What's up man?" Sam asked opening the door
"She won't talk to me man." I mumbled. He frowned he opened the door and let me in
"Thanks." I mumbled he nodded
"She's hurt dude." He said

"And I'm not?" I scoffed
"Ok yea you are too but she was cheated on not you." He said I frowned. I haven't smiled once these two weeks and if I do it's a fake smile
"I know." I mumbled
"But didn't she tell you not to drink?" Sam asked

We sat down in his living room
"But I didn't drink much." I mumbled
"Really?" Sam asked
"I swear I drank a shot with Mac and then we played beer pong together and that's about it." I said to him
"That's all?" He asked

"No." I mumbled shaking my head
"I drank like 4 beers when she went to use the restroom." I said
"So you did get drunk?" He asked I nodded in shame
"I don't know what to say man." Sam said

"I should get home." I mumbled standing up
"And go home don't go get shit faced drunk." He said. I looked up to him
"How'd you know?" I asked biting my lip
"I was the one who took you home." He chuckled

"Oh." I mumbled
"Everything will be alright." He said patting my back I sighed and nodded
I walked out of his house and made my way to the house. I touched my lip and it was bleeding. Why did I bite my lip? I have a busted lip because when Mike found out what I did he gave me a beating

I didn't bother to defend myself I deserved it. I hurt the girl I love because of my stupid ass decisions. Walking in the house I made my way to the living room. There she sat sitting on the couch watching Tv. Makayla

The Bad Girl ✖ Kian Lawley [COMPLETED] ✔Where stories live. Discover now