It's Ok

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Kian's POV

I know I messed up by leaving them behind but they said it was alright! Like the fuck? I will never understand them
"Morning." Adam said walking in the kitchen
"You're not mad at me?" I asked him he chuckled and shook his head

"The girls over reacted." He said I nodded
"But Makayla had the right to be mad." He added I raised an eyebrow
"Because you love her or say you do you guys kiss and everything and then you leave her for some girl so she has the right to be jealous." He explained

Makayla jealous? No that can't be
She did say she liked me. Aghh I fucked it up again!
"Fuck." I mumbled looking down
"And then when that Camila girl grabbed your hand you just smiled which well yanno." He said I nodded

"I'm so stupid." I said
"How do you know that girl anyways, she looks fake ass fuck." He said
"She hangs around here a lot she's cool dude, she's just special with people or some shit." I said to him he nodded

"Well Makayla is totally gonna be jealous if that girl is gonna be hanging around here all the time." Adam said grabbing an apple
"Morning Adam." Makayla said and completely ignored me
"Morning Mac." Adam said giving me a half smile

"Morning." Amber said and waved at me I nodded
"Girls need to get over the fact that Zayn isn't going to come back." Kimberly scoffed
"A girl can hope." Amber sighed

~Ding Dong~

I walked over to the door and opened it revealing Camila
"Hey Kian." She said smiling
"Hey Camila, come in." I said opening the door wide so she could come in
"Who was it?" Adam asked he looked at Camila and scoffed

"Hi Adam, right?" Camila said waving at him
"Yup." He said not really paying attention to her but at his phone
"Ahh it's Miss bitch." Amber said smirking
"Thank you." Camila said
"That wasn't a compliment dumb ass." Amber snapped angrily

"Yea it is a bitch is a female dog, dogs bark, bark grows on trees and trees are part of nature and nature is beautiful so you called me beautiful." Camila smirked
"Well that was stupid." Makayla said rolling her eyes
"Why do you hang out with them?" Camila asked me

"Makayla is Jc's sister and she lives here." I said making her face drop and Makayla smirk
"Didn't know that did ya?" Makayla gasped
"You're ugly." Camila snapped
"Camila." I snapped
"Oh my god that hurt." Makayla said sarcastically

"You remind me of a dog!" Camila yelled. Oh god
"Bitch, you remind me of a penny-two faced and worthless." Makayla snapped. Amber, Kimberly and Adam cracked up and I chuckled
"Alright enough." I said trying to keep a straight face

"You're gonna let her talk to me like that?" Camila snapped at me
"You started it, she was just defending herself." I said to her
"Whatever." Camila mumbled
"Let's watch a movie or something." Adam said awkwardly

***2 Hours Later***

Makayla didn't want to watch the movie with us and went up to her room. Camila went to the restroom and still hasn't come back
"I'm gonna look for Camila." I said to Adam he nodded and cotinued to watch the movie. I walked upstairs

"Leave!" I heard Makayla say
"No!" I think it was Camila that said I walked up to Makayla's room
"Kian will never like you!" Camila yelled
"If you say so." Makayla said not faced by Camila

"What's going on here?" I asked opening the door
"This, came into my room and won't leave." Makayla said glaring at Camila
"Oh and he does like me." Makayla said standing up she walked up to me and crashed her lips with mine

I wrapped my arms around her waist and kissed back
"Aghh!" I heard Camila yell before I heard her footsteps fade. I picked up Makayla and laid her down on her bed not once disconnecting our lips
"I'm sorry." I mumbled into the kiss
"Just kiss me." She mumbled I chuckled and kissed her

The Bad Girl ✖ Kian Lawley [COMPLETED] ✔Where stories live. Discover now