No Luck

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Kian's POV

"Fuck!" I yelled loudly Makayla has been gone for not even a day and I'm already loosing my chill
"Calm down." Sam said
"Calm down? This is the second time they kidnap my girlfriend and you want me to calm down? Fuck you Sam." I scoffed

"Ok bye." Jc said walking down and hanging his phone
"Did you call the police?" I asked he shook his head I sighed
"That was umm my mom." He mumbled
"You told her?!" Me and Sam yelled in sync

"No, she called saying she's five minutes away." Jc said
"What? As in here in LA?" I asked him he nodded
"Dude what about Makayla? She's still missing." Sam said
"You don't think I know that?" Jc snapped at him

~Ding Dong~

"Shit." I mumbled
"I'll get it." Jc said walking over to open the door
"Hey mom!" I heard him say
"Hello Kian." Jc's mom said smiling at me
"Hi." I mumbled looking at Sam he sighed

"Where's Makayla?" She asked Jc
"She's in her room sleeping." Jc lied to her
"I should go see her." She said
"No!" Me Jc, and Sam said in sync
"Why not?" She asked crossing her arms

"Because she's....sleeping mom." Jc said
"Yup she's been sleeping all day." Sam nodded
"She's probably sick now I need to go check on her." She said
"No she's not sick she just doesn't like it here." Sam said I glared at him

"Really? I thought you guys were changing her back." She said
"Mom we can't change Makayla that's just who she is." Jc said
"Maybe I should take her home with me." She sighed
"No!" I yelled shaking my head

"Kian I thought you'd be happy about this." She said
"They're dating again mom." Jc said I nodded
"Aww." She teased
"Now I need to see her." She said again

Me, Jc and Sam looked at eachother before Jc nodded
"Mom we have to tell you something." He said
"What's wrong? She didn't run away did she?" She asked
"No it's worse than that." Sam said I nodded

"What happened? You boys are scaring me." She said
"Mom do you know that Makayla dated this boy named Jake?" Jc asked
"Yes, why?" She asked
"Well a lot of things happened between them that we really can't say." Sam said

"But yesterday umm he came here with some guys and umm." I mumbled
"They knocked us out." Jc said his mom gasped
"Then when I woke up Makayla was yelling at Jake, I told her to run but you know Makayla and how stubborn she is." I said she nodded

"She of course said no, then one of Jake's men pointed a gun to my head making Makayla agree to go with him." I said. By now she was sobbing
I really wish Makayla was here with us
"And then he took her." My voice cracked

"We have to get my baby back." She said I nodded
"We're trying but it's not as easy as it seems." Sam said
"Have you called the police?" She asked
"We can't, Jake left a note saying if we called the police he'll kill her." Jc mumbled that only made his mom cry more. Where are you Makayla?

Makayla's POV

"I'm not hugry Jake!" I yelled for the millionth time. I rather starve myself to death then be another second longer with him
"You have to eat babe." He groaned
"Don't call me that!" I yelled angrily

"I can't call you whatever the fuck I want!" He snapped
"I hate you! Just let me go!" I yelled annoyed
"No! Your mine!" He yelled before storming out of the room.bI groaned and buried my face in my pillow

***1 Hour Later***

"Mac come down here now!" Jake yelled from downstairs
"What do you want now?" I asked walking down
"Why the fuck would you break my tv?" He asked
"Because I wanted to." I said crossing my arms

The Bad Girl ✖ Kian Lawley [COMPLETED] ✔Where stories live. Discover now