Sebastian was unsure about Ciel. He didn't believe his words. He wanted to make sure he didn't hurt Ciel like that again. He had made him recall the past and he felt terrible for it.

"It would make me feel better if I didn't. I don't want to make you feel the way I did last night."

Ciel huffed, clearly discontent with Sebastian's response. He reluctantly dismounted his lap and walked over to the front door, grabbing his coat.

"Where are you going?"

"I'm going to be late for work." And with that, Ciel left and had gotten on a bus before Sebastian could make his way after him. Sebastian knew he'd have to go back over there for him later.

Ciel arrived at the club and sat down in the back, casually talking to Alois and Sieglinde.

"Do you think I'll be able to quit this job?" He asked his 'friends'.

Sieglinde contemplated his question but Alois shook his head. "Not until you're like 22. You bring in too much money. I don't think they'll be too keen to loose you." The blonde said sympathetically.

Sieglinde nodded in agreement. "This business is crafty... They'd find a way to keep you here."

Ciel hung his head. Before they could ask why he would ask this, he was called. He sadly said goodbye too his friends. Sometimes when he was booked he wouldn't be able to get back to talk to them because they'd possibly be busy too.

He exited and saw the requester. He'd prefer... Rough and seductive. Ciel held back his sickness at it before facing him. He realized that this was a teacher from his school. Hopefully he would recognize him. Ciel made his way to an open room with the man, latched onto his shoulder.

This room had a bed. Ciel sat him on the bed and began right away. He began to grind on the others crotch to heat it up. He grinned at him and began to move faster.

The man looked at him and leaned his face forward, dragging his tongue slowly down Ciel's neck. He stopped doing what he was doing, feeling the mans raising erection poking his inner thigh.

"I'm sorry sir, but I'm not in that... Department."

The man gave him a sly smile. "I paid extra and its not going to waste." Ciel was pinned to the bed now. He squirmed as the man help his arms easily above his head while he mutilated his exposed neck.

He removed one hand and slid it down to his trousers while his other held his wrists over top of each other and down on the mattress. Ciel gasped as he felt his cool hands slip into his pants. The man began to rub him.

Ciel moaned automatically even though he wasn't enjoying this one bit. For him the pleasure was torture. The man grinned sadistically as he dragged his tongue from his jaw to his mouth, forcing it inside his slightly parted lips. Ciel let out a muffled rejection groan.

"Keep making those sounds, I'm getting hard." Ciel could see the mans pants tightening. He could feel tears pricking his eyes but he refused to let them go.

The teacher ordered Ciel to take off his pants and boxers. He did as told, gritting his teeth to stop the memories from pushing the tears out his eyes. His manhood popped out, almost fully erect. Ciel's head was grabbed and he began to make him suck it while he pulled down Ciel's trousers and underwear.

As Ciel unwillingly sucked on his manhood, he began to rub him up and down. He moaned around his cock when he came in his mouth, making him swallow before he roughly pushed Ciel into the bed and positioned himself before his entrance.

He could feel the tip of his penis by his ass until he roughly shoved into him dry. Ciel gasped. He broke. He couldn't take it anymore. His hands were held behind him as he yelled, muffled by the blankets.

"Stop! Please! Let go of me!"

"You volunteered for this. All of you here are worthless beings. I can use you how i please."

He came inside him but kept thrusting anyways while playing with Ciel's own. No tears came but Ciel cried out in agony and anger. His anger was growing as well as the fear. He kept trying to make it out of his grasp but he was much to strong. He felt as his wrists were going to snap any second.

Sebastian felt a searing pain on his hand. He paused petting the kitten to look down at the contract symbol, glowing fiercely. Sebastian placed the kitten carefully on the floor before rushing out to where he knew Ciel was.

He arrived at the front desk, the person working there lazily looked over at him.

"Here to book? Who'd you like."

"Guard Dog?" He asked. The people here had to use fake names obviously to keep from creeps. They were all assigned with one wether they liked the name or not.

"Eh. He's booked right now."

"What room?"

He looked up. "Okay buddy, you have to book the threesome beforehand."

Sebastian grimaced and barged through anyways, ignoring the words the man was yelling. He singled out his soul and kicked the door to the room. A man was overtop of Ciel, a psychotically pleasant look on his face.

Sebastian grabbed the man by the neck and pried him off of his Ciel with ease. His Ciel? He ignored himself and tightened his grip around the mans neck, his anger growing. He was losing control. His eyes took their demonic pink colour and black tendrils began to form around him. Sebastian let out an animalistic growl as his fangs slipped out.

He could see the fear in the mans eyes and oh how pleasing that was. He took a claw and dragged it across his cheek, blood immediately dripping out. This was the torture and pain Sebastian loved seeing on humans. He let out a sadistic laugh as the man struggles in his grip.

"What the fuck!" He yelled.

Sebastian looked down and his grin grew. The man was still naked. With a swift moment, he chopped off his dick. He screamed in agony. He was enjoying this torture too much. He hadn't tortured in a while.

"Sebastian!" Ciel's hoarse voice made it's way to the demonic creatures mind. His call came again. Sebastian began reverting back to his human form, letting the dazed man drop at his foot.

Sebastian was embarrassed and ashamed. He'd never hoped Ciel would see him like that or even in that form. He glanced sideways at the boy who had managed to slip back on his trousers before Sebastian had converted.

He was staring at him with wide eyes, trembling slightly. The raven haired mans compunctious feeling grew. Ciel took a deep breath before walking over to him and flinging his thin arms around him. Sebastian could feel his breath on his ear.

"I'm sorry." He whispered, hanging his head.

"No, it's I who should apologize. I had never intended for you to see me like that and for it, I'm extremely sorry."

He felt slightly relieved that Ciel wasn't running away from him. He glanced down and shook his head at him.

"So incompetent. You can't even put your trousers on the right way." He referred to his backwards pants, the tag sticking in the air. Carefully he sat Ciel on the couch and gently removed them, stopping when Ciel flinched for a moment.

He turned them around and slipped his legs separately into each pant leg and did them up again. He looked up into his uncovered oceanic blue eye and saw no tears or any trace of them. He hadn't cried at all.

"It's alright to stop being strong for a while."

Ciel shook his head. "I told you, I don't need your pity." He pecked his lips and stood up, wincing in pain. The man had been rough and now his hips and wrists hurt.

"I'm... Fine..." He glared at the man passed out by the bed. Sebastian shook his head and picked Ciel up, swiftly running out of the building.

"I don't care if it's your only income. You're not going back. I'll help you, just let me."

Ciel shook his head, his features were back to the stoic ways they were most of the time. Sebastian sighed.

"I have job applications at home. If you won't let me help you, then help yourself."

Pity [ a modern SebaCiel ]Where stories live. Discover now