"Thank you. Thank you very much."

--|After 3 years and 5 months|--

"Hey, you! Where you goin' huh?"
I placed Darcy's bowl that had a mashed banana in it on the kitchen counter, walking close behind the crawling baby to make sure she doesn't hurt herself.

She stopped by the coffee table, as if it was her destination. The table had two layers: the top one where you put your coffee and whatever you have on it and the lower one where I put small pictures in there along with some magazines.

Her arm extended out, small fingers grabbing the side of one specific picture frame. She pulled it towards her, taking it out of the table successfully.

Loud noises escaped her mouth as she sat on her bum, the picture clutched firmly in her hands, big brown eyes examining the person in it carefully.

I smiled at the heartwarming scene infront of me, taking Darcy into my arms and resting her on my hip. I held the picture so that we both could see it clearly.

"You do miss him so much, don't you? I do too." She looked up at me then down at the photo.

"And you're such an astute little thing, aren't you?" Adorable giggles left her lips when I tickled her sides, kissing her soft temple afterwords.

I gasped loudly when I felt someone's presence right behind me. I turned around, tears already forming in my eyes.

"So you two miss me so much, huh?" He smirked, that damned dimple not failing to make my heart melt.

"Harry..." I whispered, not believing my eyes. He was finally here! After those long months of tour he's finally came back!

I was immediately engulfed with his arms, our baby girl squished between us, though she didn't seem to mind, her squeals and giggles were filling the room.

Harry laughed at his daughter's great affection towards him, taking her into the warmth of his chest and showering her head and face with kisses.
"I swear, I didn't see you all day. That little shit took you away from me." I stated sarcastically, my hands on my hips and an amused expression on my face.

He laughed, taking off his shoes and stripping to his boxers before getting into bed. I soon followed my husband but after checking that Darcy is sound asleep and safe.

"I didn't get my proper hello from you, yet," he whispered, leaning in and capturing my lips with his.

We kissed for a good minute then pulled away. I nudged his nose with mine, smiling satisfactorily.

"I missed you," he whispered.

"I missed you more. And when I saw Darcy crawling towards your photo and babbling about it I realised how much she missed you too. She loves you so much!"

"I know. I love her even more than that, and you too." He pecked my lips again.

After a moment of peaceful silence, I decided to ask, hoping that this wouldn't trigger anything for Harry.

"Harry, do you remember a few years ago, when... You were... Diagnosed-"

"Ohh,yes I remember. It was a very awful year and a half of therapy to be honest but thank the Lord and thank you I'm here now, perfectly healthy with my perfect wife and our perfect bundle of joy." He grinned, kissing my forehead.

"Had you given up that day, Darcy wouldn't have come to this life. I would've probably gone mental without you..." He nodded.

"Thank God I had you to bring me back to my senses," he chuckled.

"No. Thank the God for the lessons he taught you through something we consider as a crisis while in fact, it's an incident with a moral behind it."

Awful ending sorry. But it's midnight and im tired.. Merry Christmas to u guys. Love u all xoxoxoxo

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