When Austin came out of the bathroom he laid next to me, “I’m going to miss you so much Andrea.” I smiled at him, “I will miss you too Austin.” He wrapped his arms around me as I snuggled into his chest and fell asleep.

I was woken by Austin waking me, “babe I have to leave soon.” I woke as I got up. I hugged him tightly as I cried a little, “I love you Austin, have fun and please don’t forget to call me.” I whispered as he nodded he looked at me wiping my tears away, “I will call when I get there baby.” I nodded as I kissed him. “Did you say goodbye to Ellie yet?” he shook his head, “Not yet.” He whispered as I let go, “Go saw goodbye to her.” I said as he nodded kissing my head. “Alright.” We walked to Ellie’s room to see all the guys taking turns hugging her goodbye. I hugged Tino, Phil, Aaron, and Alan goodbye. “have fun, use protection and stay safe.” They all laughed as I hugged Austin again, “stay safe, and have fun babe.” He nodded as he handed Ellie to me. When the bus had gotten here I hugged them all goodbye again. “Alright Ellie let’s go back to bed.” I told her as I brought her up to my room as we both passed out.

When I woke again Ellie was already up looking everywhere I got up fed her, ate some cereal got her dressed in a cute onsie with a green skirt, I put her in her bouncy rolling seat thing as I took a shower. After my shower I picked her up putting her on my bed; I got dressed in blue skinnies with a blue shirt as I skillfully tied it on the back, put my sea foam TOMS on as I put Ellie’s dark blue TOMS on. “What should we do today? Shopping?” She giggled at me as I smiled “Alright shopping it is.” I put her on my hip as we went into the dining room “Maya do you want to go shopping to get new clothes.” I called as I heard her run down the stairs, “Yes please.” She said as I got my phone and purse. We piled into the car as I texted Breena quick.

Breena: Hey sorry if I’m bugging you I just wanted to let you know that you are amazing and you inspire me so much, so thank you for talking to me.

Me:Awe you are so welcome Breena :) I’ll text you later.

I got Ellie into her carrier as I got my phone car keys and house keys; When I got the house locked I then buckled her into the car I got in myself as I started the car and started for the mall. As we got to the mall I got out as did Maya, I handed her some money before i had gotten Ellie out and put her on my hip as I walked us into the mall and into hot topic. Maya, and I went our sperate ways, I walked into Hot Topic as I wasn’t looking when I bumped into someone. “Oh my gosh I’m so, so sorry!” I giggled at her as I saw her hair was red with a candy purple on her bangs and the bottom, I saw her lip was pierced and she has gauges. I smiled at her, “It’s really okay, I was watching my daughter.” The girl giggled, “She is a cute one.” I smiled at her, “thanks, My name is Andrea.” She smiled hugely, “I know, I’m Jarvia.” I smiled at her, “hey when’s your lunch I think we could make amazing friends.” She giggled at me, “Uhm about noon.” I smiled, “alright.” I said getting a sharpie putting my number on her wrist as she smiled hugely at me.

I got some Nightmare Before Christmas shirts some band merch, skinnies and some baby clothes for Ellie. I paid for them as I left I went shopping till noon,

Jarvia: Meet me in the food court!!!:D

I giggled as Ellie looked at me as i knew she was hungry; I sighed as I got some baby food out of the diaper bag. I found Jarvia as she already gotten pizza for the both of us. “Thanks Jarvia.” She smiled, “Anytime.” She giggled as I sat all my bags on the floor and Ellie on the table. I fed El as I asked, “So tell me about yourself.” I said as she looked at me. “Let’s see I’m 5 ‘3” hazel eyes, I can be shy but I really love people. I write, read and sing.” I smiled at her, “Sounds like fun.” I said as she laughed, “My necklace I wear it’s a cross with a rose wrapped around it. I LOOVE the movies Paranorman, Nightmare Before Christmas, caroline, Corpse Bride, Alice In Wonderland, and Tim burton movies. The other things that I freaking LOVE are motorcycles and monsters.” I giggled, as I smiled, “you have amazing taste.” I said as I giggled.

“Tell me about yourself Andy.” I laughed, “Well, I am Tony Perry’s little sister, I tell fans who think my life is perfect that it’s not, I show them my scars… Mike saved my life, that is a story for another time.” I said as I smiled sadly, “My best friend died last year, my parents act way different around me when Tony isn’t around, I love monster, Austin my boyfriend is my best friend. Austin and I adopted Ellie here because we both wanted a little girl and to adopt.” I smiled at her, “Hey come over tonight I will text you my address. GO back to work.” She laughed as she got up, “It was great to meet you Andrea.” I smiled at her, “It was nice to meet you too Jarvia. See you later.” I smiled as she left I grabbed my bags as I saw maya, she ran over to me with her bags, “Can we leave he’s here.” She said in a hurry as I got Ellie, “let’s get home and invite Breena over and Jarvia.” She looked at me nodding, “alright.” She said by the time I got to my car Ellie’s head was on my shoulder and she was asleep. I put her in her carrier carefully. I put my bags in the trunk as got into the car as I sighed, My phone rang as I answered it, “hello?” “Hey Andy.” I smiled, “Hey Austin.”

I said as I could hear the smiled in his voice, “We got to the Venue just now.” I smiled, “That’s great baby I hope you have fun tonight.” He sighed, “Never without you love.” I giggled softly as I smiled, “I meet another girl today.” I said as he laughed, “Oh?” “She is pretty chill she likes the same things I dooo! And I think Alan might like her!!” he laughed, “Where are you?” “In the car at the mall.” He chuckled, “alright I’m going to take a nap.” I giggled, “Like daughter like father.” I said as he laughed, “Alright I love you Andrea.” I smiled, “I love you too Austin I will Skype with you before we go to bed.” “Okay love you.” “Love you too.” I said as I hung up. I turned on the car and left.

Me: Breena come over I have another friend coming over.(Insert address here.)

Me: (insert Address) anther friend is coming over:)

I got home as I carefully got Ellie out as I saw my brother’s car, I unlocked the door putting Ellie in her crib. I went into the living room to see Jenna, Tony and the girl. “Hey.” Is all I said before going back outside getting my bags, I shut the trunk and went back inside putting my bags on the floor going back into the living room to now see Jarvia, Breena, Maya, Jenna, Tony and the girl. “Hey guys.” I said as I laid on the floor in the living room. “what’s up?” “Nothing just tired and missing my boyfriend.” They all smiled sympathaicly at me, “Sis this is Lena.” I smiled, “Nice to see you again, These are my friends, Breena, Maya and Jarvia.” Jarvia sat on me as I laughed, “Thanks J!” she laughed at me as she stayed there. 

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