Chapter 15

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We meet Alan, Phil, Tino and Aaron at Babies R’ Us; they already had a LOT of stuff, I giggled as they saw Ellie they melted. We all got: (Pic in external link)

A tub,

A changing Table,

A diaper bag,

A blanket,

A black and white onesy with a design on it,

A white top with matching black and white pants,


Three Purple Batman onesy

A monkey towel,

A toy that makes animal noises,

Pink and white pajamas,

Three bottles and a zebra printed sippy cup that Alan liked,

A I <3 my Uncle,

Some skirts, shorts, and pants,

A pacifier with a lion connected to it,


Hello Kitty dress,

Four pacifiers,

A highchair,

Huge box of Diapers, a big 4 bag of wipes, and baby food;

A stuffed bear,

Baby monitor,

Finally a crib,

The guys paid for it making me pout since I couldn’t pay for anything; thy all laughed as I stuck my tongue out as I  put my crutches against the car as I picked up Ellie out of the cart as she giggled at me as I put her in her car seat buckling her. I kissed her cheek as I shut the door getting into the passenger side As Austin got in Alan got into the back; “you going back to the house?” “We all are just four guys in one car is a little overwhelming.” I laughed as I said, “You have four guys not including you on a tour bus.” He chuckled, “true but we all have our own thing to do and we can walk around.” I laughed and nodded as Ellie started giggling and clapping her hands (one of my cousins did this and I found it so cute!!)

When we get to the house we put her stuff in the room downstairs next to ours; I hung up all her clothes as the guys put her crib, changing table, stroller, and her high chair together as I put Ellie in her crib with her stuffed bear, “guys is the milk any good?” “Should be!” I heard Alan yell, I smelled it and poured a little a cup to try it to see if it was good, it was I put some in her bottle as I brought it back to her to see her looking around as I gave her the bottle she hung onto it till she fell asleep, I than switched it for a pacifier as I smiled softly.

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