Chapter 7

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When it started to get dark, Austin told me that he will pick me up at the bus. I nodded agreeing; I ran back to the bus, I ran into the bus and into the bunk area. I picked a black dress with ribbon on it, I grabbed my make-up bag, I grabbed my mom’s engagement ring that she had given to me as I walked into the bathroom taking a quick shower, I got out getting the dress on. I struggled getting it zipped but I finally got it as I blew dried my hair than curled it, I put on Red Lipstick, with light eye shadow and eyeliner and mascara. I put on the ring on my left hand middle finger since it’s the only finger it would fit. I put on my black heels; walking out to the guys. Seeing their jaws just drop my brother raised his eyebrow. “I have a date okay, Austin beat me to the water and he asked me what he won and I said a date.” I blushed a little as my bother just nodded as the other guys rolled their eyes.

There was a knock on the door as I walked over I opened it smiling, “Let’s go before the guys kill me.” I giggled as he just smiled at me. Austin grabbed my hand as we walked to his car, he opened the door for me as I just smiled and got into the car. He closed the door once I got in; when he got in he started it, he drove us to an empty field; I looked at him questionably. He just smiled at me “I wanted to eat than watch the stars for a bit.” “Awe Austin,” I said as I kissed his cheek. He smiled a little as I got out and waited for him. Once he got the picnic basket from the back seat, “Think your brother is going to see Stephanie tonight?” I shrugged, “most likely…Do you think I should let her come Austin? I just want my brother happy…” He just kissed my head, we sat on the grass, eating and talking about movies (Mostly Starwars since it is out fav.)

When I finally laid down I looked at the stars. “I was wondering where you got your ring…” Austin said as I giggled at him. “It was my mom’s engagement ring, but she gave it to me when I graduated.” He smiled at me softly. He got up and held out his hand to me as he helped me up I said, “I think I will let Stephanie come with” “It is your choice, I’m glad your going to show, her who the better person is.” I giggled as we started back to the car as I looked at Austin who looked like he didn’t want tonight to end; It just sucks that we got to go to Texas tomorrow instead. I sighed a little as Austin looked at me with sadness in his eyes. We got into the car again. I looked at my hands in my lap when I saw Austin take on of my hands, “If Stephanie gives you any trouble, I’m always a phone call away.” He said as he pulled up to the bus.

We both got out as I hugged him, “Thanks for tonight Austin, I had an amazing time.” I smiled as I kissed his cheek, “I will see you when I get back.” He nodded as he got back into his car as I walked onto the bus, I saw Tony who looked pleased. “Hey tone.” He looked at me from his phone, “Hey sis.” I sighed in defeat, “Stephanie can come with…” I said as I walked away and crawled into my bunk,

ME: Hey Austin, call me when you get home okay!!

I laid in bed for about an hour before I started falling asleep; I was jolted awake when my phone went off, I answered, with a groan, “Oh shit I’m sorry Andrea!” I heard Austin’s voice say, “It’s fine Austin, I just hit my head on the bunk.” I said as I heard Stephanie’s annoying voice, I groaned again; “Austin I’m not sure I did the right thing because right now all I have heard is her voice…” He chuckled “Well your brother is happy so that is a plus.” “True, true.” I heard  three people groan, “Why is she back on the bus. “Austin shh.” Is all I said as I put him on speaker, “My sister said it was okay.” I heard the fridge open, “I’ll be in my bunk.” I heard Mike say as Vic said; “Hey at least he is happy.” I heard two groans, “Happy? Meaning ignoring his own sister for his happiness?”


Stephanie fell asleep when the guys came in we talked for a bit before mike got out the whiskey and walked into the back room. “Hey guys at least he is happy.” I heard Vic say as I heard Jamie say, “Happy? Meaning Ignore his own sister for his happiness?” I looked down at Stephanie as I sighed softly, “Guys shut up, I said it was okay, I want my brother happy. Austin and I both agreed it was a good idea. I know he puts on a fake smile for us when he isn’t with Stephanie, don’t you guys notice? Cause I sure did!” I looked down, ‘How can she tell that? I can’t even tell that with her… What kind of brother am I?’ I thought as I felt tears come down my face, Stephanie woke up and saw me, “Tony are you okay?” She said softly, “Yeah, I’m fine; If your still tired you can go to my bunk.” She nodded softly at me as se kissed my forehead. “I love you Tony Perry.” All I could do was just nod in response.

I heard the guys hush as Stephanie came in, “Alright Austin I will talk to you later.” I heard my sister say as she walked in. “Hey turtle.” She said as she sat next to me. “How can you tell me I put up a fake smiled and happiness?” I asked her quietly as she giggled, “Easy, I do it all the time when  your with Stephanie.” She blurted than she quickly put her hand over her mouth. She looked down as I hugged her, “It’s just after Stephanie came into the picture I know she makes you happy but it just sucks that I have to be alone all the time turtle. I mean yah the guys are there for me but you aren’t it just hurts me to have you forget me all the time.” I looked down as I felt more tears run down my face.

I felt my sister sit in my lap than wipe my tears, “Oh turtle, don’t be sad, I’m happy that your happy.” I smiled a little as I hugged her. She giggled softly as I asked, “How was your date with Austin.” We heard the other three guys come in, in a rush. They all sat down, as she laughed, “I swear you guys are like a bunch of girls wanting and needing details.” “Tell us!” Jamie said as she giggled even more, “So he drove us to an empty field as we ate we talked about star wars and other movies. Than when I laid back in the grass I told him that I wanted tony the turtle happy so I told him I was going to tell tony that he can bring Stephanie on. He chuckled and said, ‘show her you’re the better person.’” They all laughed, “As we watched the stars,” I blushed, “I really didn’t want it to end, it was a nice and beautiful night.” They all smiled at me as they hugged me.

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