"K-Katie?" Sasuke asked stunned.

"What, you two never had a snowball fight?" I asked. "Come on, it's winter, the least we could do is have a snowball fight!" I made another snowball and threw it at them. A smile appeared on Sasuke's face as he bent down to make a snowball. He went to throw it at me but it missed, and I screamed. Heisuke joined in and we both gained up on Sasuke. That was until we heard a throat being cleared. We all froze looking up to see, Saizo, Kortaro, and Goemon.

"What are you doing?" Saizo asked seeming really mad. The guys were going to answer when Saizo chewed them out. "We leave the house for morning, and come back to this. We are ninjas. Not children running around hoarse playing. We are to stay hidden, protecting and taking care of her!"

"Saizo, please! It was my fault, don't yell at them. If you wish to yell at someone, then by all means, scold me. It was my idea to decorate the house, not theirs. They were going to say no, but I insisted." I had my head down in respect, not wishing to make him angrier. "I also thought, we could have fun. Everyone needs to have fun, at some point in their life."

I heard a sigh, but kept my head down. What he said next shocked me,

"Alright, who's team am I on?" I looked up and caught a quick glimpse of a smile. Just as soon as he asked that, a snowball hit the ground near Saizo and Goemon.

"Sweet I'm in!" Goemon shouts gathering snow in a pile. Same goes for Saizo and Kortaro. Sasuke, Heisuke, and I quickly made snowballs and got ready to throw them. And just like that, snowballs flew through the air, shouts, laughs and smiles. Everyone seemed to have been having a blast.

Around 4:30 we went inside, I went to the kitchen and made dinner. I made chicken and noodle soup, grilled cheese, and a small salad. I walked out to put the food on the table, to see that the table was already set. I shrugged it off, and placed the food on the table. We all ate together, and in a comfortable silence.

"Can we go into the city tomorrow?" I ask.

"Why?" Goemon asks before eating another spoonful of soup. I bit my lip nervously.

"I wanted to do some shopping.." I whispered the last part.

"Absolutely not, we can't risk you being caught." Saizo says.

"Yes, but I would be in your guy's protection. Please, Christmas is just a few days away." Saizo had his eyes shut and head down thinking.

"Fine, but one of us if not two, has to stay with you at all times." I smiled and said,

"Thank you." After dinner they cleaned the dishes, and I went upstairs. I got dressed in pajamas that was a black long sleeve, and black pants. I wore black fuzzy socks, and brushed my teeth. I went to my bags that I packed my stuff in and found the pocket that held all of my money.

I grabbed all that I had in there and counted the money. I had three hundred, seventy-five dollars. I want to get something for each of the guys. I mean I know I haven't known them that long, but I took my moms advice. My heart is telling me to trust them, so I am.

I had no idea what to get them, but I figured I would know by looking around the stores. I put the money in my top drawer of the dresser and laid down. I closed my eyes for a few moments, I breathed a sigh and heard the same soothing song play. I'll have to remember to ask the others if they hear the same song...
I slowly woke up, opening my eyes to see that I'm in my bed? Last I remember was drawing and relaxing my eyes for just a moment. I guess I must have fell asleep, and I was put here by someone or I was sleep walking. I got up and got ready for the day.

I showered and dressed in dark skinny jeans, a white long sleeve, and white sweater boots. I curled my hair, put black eyeliner, and mascara on. Once I was done I went downstairs in the kitchen. Before I entered I heard them whispering.

Ninja PrincessМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя