My Poems - 9

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Haunting Memories - By Ranzell

As i look into the past

I remember what happen 

The bombs, the fire , the hunger

We walked and walked to find nothing

The pain in our hearts 

The pain that our body's were going trough

Was hard to bear

We were on the verdge on depression

Nothing to look forward to 

No house to call our home

No stuff to call our own 

All we had was each other

The comfort of each other didn't help

Every city or town we went in

We were frowned upon

The sorrow had gotten worse

I was ready for the world to take me

To let me rott like a apple

We were dying from the scoarching sun

The wind blasted sand in our faces 

The sand cut us

We lost blood 

But no one cared 

We found a city 

It was called Seplua

I found my sister's and brother

But my mother 

She was dead 

The earth took her

Like i wished the earth would take me 

But it took her instead

And there's pain in my heart

That i didn't get there faster

To help her

When she was in need

But now i have a family

And i am happy

But the memories of the past

Still haunt me 

And always will

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