My Poems - 6

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illusion - by Ranzell

Trust is a thing that has not earned my trust 

Beacause it seem's 

If you trust something or someone

 They or it just all dissapears

Like it was a illusion

You know those circus mirrors?

That either make you fat or skinny 

Well those mirrors 

Are a illusion

I rather not trust , trust

Because if I trust , trust

Things may dissapear

Hurt me

Throw me to the dirt like im nothing

They say that i've gone crazy 

That it was just a illusion

But it was all real

I know it was

For me at least

Ilusion is just another word for fake

I don't trust , trust

Because trust lets me down

Trust is a illusion of the mind 

Don't let your guard down 

Cause once you trust , trust , Theres no turning back 

It may not be a illusion

But it usually is

When you figure out all  you know is a ilusion 

Circus mirrors may be the only thing you trust 

And a illusion

Just might be the real thing 

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