My Poems - 4

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The Ugly Truth - By Ranzell

I guess when people say 

Its to good to be true 

It really is

Everything was to good to be true

Then one day the truth came out

But the truth

The truth is ugly

The truth is something no one wants to know

Even though we beg and beg for it

We all know its something we wont want to hear

Like they say

Curiosity kills the cat

As in Im the cat

I was to oblicious to everything

I didnt know that everything was false

And when the ugly truth came in

It hit me like a ton of bricks 

Knockd the wind out of me

I try to breathe

But its hard 

Its like im in my own hospital

Trying to recover from my internal injuries

When, whats the point?

Sooner or later i know ill just get hurt again 

So ill just stay in my internal infimary 

So it wont hurt as bad 

When the ugly truth hits me again

Maybe just maybe

I'll be okay

But what the harsh reality is

Im not okay

I dont know if I'll ever be okay again 

I try and try

But something keeps pushing me further down

The ugly truth hit's me 

Over and over again 

and over and over again 

I'll pretend to be okay 

When im really not

And i dont know 

If i can recover

Recover from the ugly truth

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