Chapter 33

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Preview of Brooke, my very own lady Tarzan, nicknamed by Matt XD


"Trent, come hunting with us," Angela suggests the first night out as the crew settles into camp for the night.

"Why?" Trent wonders as he looks up from the fire. He's been driving all day and has been looking forward to some time not having to stay focused. Angela's eyes bear into him, making him want to squirm. Matt stands beside her, looking back and forth between them both confused and concerned. "Alright, alright." Trent sighs as he picks himself up from the damp ground.

"Only two are needed for hunting." Matt comments.

"Sh." Angela hisses, turning her death glare onto Matt.

"Ok, OK." He responds quickly, throwing his hands up in surrender. "I was just saying." He mutters, taking a step backward. Trent joins them, bow in hand.

"What's up?" Trent asks. Angela turns her back and walks deeper into the woods.

"What did you do?" Matt whispers to Trent. "She's not the most friendly on a good day, but that glare could freeze Medusa."

"I don't know." Trent lies, though he feels himself getting nervous.

"I can't defend you if I don't know," Matt whispers.

"He slept with Val." Angela snaps as she spins around.

"Nooooo." Matt grins. "Finally?"

"Don't praise the man child!" Angela snaps.

"This is when Valery would remind you to be nice." Matt reminds her.

"No, fuck that! Rules are rules! Without them, there would be total anarchy. There needs to be rules. Even the animal kingdom has rules. Who eats who, hierarchy in tribes. The general public has to follow the rules or they are kicked out and or killed."

"Hang on now." Matt comments, "They aren't exactly young and dumb, they knew what they were doing. They are two consensual... wait." Matt turns to look at Trent. "It was consensual, right?"

"Really?" Trent snaps, throwing his hands in the air. "Do you really need to ask me that?"

"See?" Matt looks at Angela and motions towards Trent. "Two consensual adults. What does it matter?"

"So what? So what if he dies leaving Val a young widower mom?"

"That can happen at any point! It's the price we pay for this job. Besides, it's not just him and her, they have us on their sides. Val won't exactly be alone."

"No one is dying here," Trent adds.

"No mission is guaranteed." Angela snaps. "A tree could fall on you and kill you right now."

"Jee. Cherry thought. Thank you." Trent scowls as he eyes up the tree beside him.

"Rules are rules, Trent. Even the earth has it. The moon and sun need to be a certain length away or all life on earth stops. Oh, and gravity. Gravity is the reason that tree ISN'T just falling on you. Rules need to be kept."

"You didn't keep to the rules when you rescued me. The council forbade it." Trent comments, his voice level, and calm.

Angela scowls as she looks at him. "The Guardian code wasn't being followed. To follow the Guardian code I had to break the rule of the council. Code of Conduct is stronger than a single person's decision."

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