Chapter 16

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Image of the Guardian's gym for workout classes and weapon training


In the medical study, bookshelves line a wall, and body anatomy posters the wall across from it. And the back wall, a wide window shows off a sky where dawn is just breaking. A large desk sits in the center, where Olivia sits scowling at papers, on her second cup of coffee when Valery walks in. "Better not make this difficult for me," Oliva snaps. "I get wanting to punish you. But being up this early punishes me too. And I'm not happy about getting pulled down with his"

"I won't," Valery yawns, looking at the fresh lavender Olivia is hanging up to dry in front of the window.

"Good. I don't have time to babysit. War is thankless and we must prepare for it. Now I'm stuck having to teach you to heal because you were dumb enough to pass out in the middle of battle. There are more ways to heal than using your energy and you need to understand that. Plants and herbs are there to help you. Use them."

"There were some extenuating circumstances," Valery tells her.

"No matter. If a healer can't help herself, she can't help her people. Quit making excuses. Get over here and make yourself useful."

She nods and rushes over to Olivia's workstation, handing each stalk over to Olivia to hang. It's long and cumbersome work. Olivia talks as they go, leaving very little space for Valery to chip in. Valery feels her mind grow numb.

After the longest four hours of her life, Valery sits with her plate of baloney sandwich with mayo, celery sticks, and cheese puffs sitting in front of her. Her fingers are red and sore from dissecting plants, preserving what they need, and discarding the rest. Her head throbbing as she fights to remember everything Olivia quizzes her. The constant buzzing of the lights throughout the cafeteria did little to help.

Feverfew leaf for fevers. Ginger root for nausea. Valerian root...

She was so lost in thought, that she didn't even notice Trent coming into the room. He made way to her as she silently rambled the answers to what she'd learned. "How are you holding up?" Trent asks, raising an eyebrow as he stops beside her at the dining table.

"Anxiety!" Valery exclaims, grinning as she remembers, not noticing Trent.

"Not well then, I'm guessing," he says, chuckling.

"What?" Valery asks, shaking her head before focusing on him.

"I asked how you were holding up, you shouted anxiety and I figured that was my answer," Trent responds, biting back the desire to laugh.

Valery groans, rubbing her temple.

"I'm sorry. My brain hurts. Olivia was in a mood and I couldn't say anything because I promised Lina I would cooperate."

"They want you trained and trained quickly."

"Being a smart ass and overwhelming me is the best way to do that?"

"Everyone is going to be overwhelmed. You did choose to open Pandora's Box."

"I know, but how can I learn anything this way?"

"Because I believe in you," Trent tells her. He leans over and kisses Valery on the temple. Valery smiles at him, gratitude shining in her eyes. "I have to get back." He tells her, holding up the two bowls of grapes he grabbed. "Just wanted to grab Gretchen and me a snack. I love you."

Guardians: Protectors of LightTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon