Chapter 22

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Trent slips his pointer and thumb in his mouth, letting out a shrill whistle. Valery jolts awake.

"Must you?" She yawns as she rubs her eyes.

"Good morning beautiful, time to rise and shine" he comments, watching for movement within the tents. "The day is waiting to be seized."

"It's too early to be so... on." She complains with another yawn.

Trent chuckles and whistles again.

"Sun's rising! Time to get to work!" he calls. Tent walls start moving, telling Trent the campers are rising. He turns, realizing Valery watching him.


"Nothing." She grins. "What can I do?"

"Nothing, we just have to wait until everyone emerges." He throws an arm over her shoulder as they overlook the camp. "Then you're going with them, right?" He asks. Valery nods. "Once everyone heads out, I'm going to sleep. When you all return, I'll get up and we'll talk."

"There's a sight for sore eyes," Matt grins, the first to emerge. "Is that a diamond I see?"

Valery grins, looking up at Trent, his face glowing with pride and happiness.

"Sure is," she says.


"Knew that if you were left to your own devices, you'd work it out," Angela grins, stepping outside, followed closely by Kalina.

"Br, you would think that being down south a bit would warm things up," she complains.

"It's mid-summer down south, enjoy the chill while it's here. It'll warm up around here quickly, once that sun really starts shining." Angela yawns. "It's just as sleepy as the rest of us right now."

As she talks, the rest make their way out of their tents, yawning and rubbing the sleep out of their eyes.

"One thing about being out?" Gavin yawns. "No coffee."

"The nice little walk you're about to go on ought to wake you up," Trent assures him. "Val, Angela, Savannah, Kalina and Gavin. It's all on you. Head East. I expect you back by three at the latest. Angels bless."

"Angels bless." The group repeats.

Trent and Valery share a kiss."Be safe, don't do anything stupid. Follow Angela's example," he mutters as the others attach their weapons. "I know you don't want to follow in Olivia's footsteps, but remember, to me, you are too valuable to lose."

Angela throws her bag over her shoulders, full of emergency gear- a map, medical equipment, spare daggers. Granola bars and water.

Valery nods. "I'll be careful," she promises.

She joins the group, attaching her sword and sheath to her waist. Trent watches as they disappear through the trees.

"She'll be fine," Matt assures him. "I think you getting yourself kidnapped brought out the best in her. She grew up quickly, realizing what everyone else saw. She still had a lot of learning to do. And she's embraced that."

Trent nods.

"I've been seeing that too," Trent comments, still watching the tree line.

"What? No witty comeback. No sling on the arm? Go to sleep. You're exhausted. She'll be back before you know it. I've got the camp," Matt assures.

Sandra positions herself on the other side of the camp, fully alert. With her elevated hearing, she'll hear a whisper in the bushes before Matt will know anything is approaching. Even if it happens on Matt's side of camp.

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