“So, the days after the change are pretty much the best days of the month,” Sam said with a happy sigh. “It’s amazing.”

“Why aren’t you going crazy right now?” I inquired. I wouldn’t normally ask her such a blunt question, afraid she might bite my head off, but she seemed happy and almost... at ease tonight. For Sam, that was a rare thing.

“I love the full moon,” she answered, not minding my question. “Always have. It makes me... I don’t know, I guess it makes me feel whole, no matter how touchy-feely that sounds.”

“Stop talking,” Paulie spat then. “I feel like my head is going to explode.”

“Well, that’s my cue,” Sam grinned. “I’ll go distract Davy from going crazy for a while.” By the way she wiggled her eyebrows, I could guess what kind of distraction she meant.

I got up too, deciding it might not be so smart to stay with Paulie and Eve without Sam present. I knew they wouldn’t turn yet, but they seemed a little out of control already with all the pacing and complaining.

“I’ll go over to Simon’s,” I told them, heading out with Sam.

When we got to the hallway where Davy lived, Sam actually waved and smiled at me before she knocked on the door. I shook my head in wonder and hurried down the hallway. Curfew would set in at ten, so I had to hurry if I wanted to play a few rounds of Guitar Hero with the guys before having to leave.

At quarter past ten – well after curfew – I sneaked out of Simon’s dorm and hurried to my own dorm. It would be weird being there without any of my roommates...

The reason I was late was because I’d checked my e-mail on Antwan's computer. Jennifer had mailed me about how happy she was I wasn’t mad at her for ‘stealing’ Samuel, telling me she missed me like hell. She also told me about meeting Sam’s parents – it had all gone very well. His mother had been very pleased with the flowers Jen had brought for her and his father had been delighted when he’d found out Jen was into watching sports. They’d watched motor races all afternoon and had even managed to get Sam’s mother interested in the game, telling her all about the outfits the drivers were wearing and about the ups and downs of the host’s love-life. They’d invited her over for dinner this Friday. She’d even get to meet Sam’s favorite aunt then. She wasn’t really nervous about that, as she had taken the first big step by meeting his parents. How bad could an aunt be? I was able to assure her his aunt was a really nice woman, as I’d met her once or twice when I’d gone over to Sam’s place when Greg had been grounded. It was nice to hear Jen was doing so great. She deserved it. And I was glad to notice I didn’t have any feelings left for Samuel except friendship.

While I walked down the last hallway I needed to cover, I felt my phone buzz. My mother had texted me to tell me she hoped I was well and to wish me a nice week. That was pretty nice of her, actually. She seemed to be turning around about this whole ‘my daughter is a blood-sucking monster’ thing.

I put my phone away with a smile – things were turning out well for everyone, or so it seemed...

When I saw Eros coming at me, I almost turned around and hurried back to Simon’s dorm. I really didn’t feel like talking to him right now. I’d had a great night and I wasn’t about to let him ruin that for me. I didn’t turn around, however, merely because Eros would surely come after me. I just hoped he’d walk by without acknowledging my presence, like he’d been doing all week long. Of course, I had no such luck.

“Demona?” Eros asked when he looked up to see who was coming at him from the other end of the hallway.

“No, it’s the ghost of Christmas past,” I said skeptically, trying to pass him.

Supernatural Boarding School #1 - A Bond of Love ✅Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu