Things I've Learn in 2015

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HI! I know I'm an asshole for not updating since ages ago, but hey! I'm still alive!

Kali ini aku mau share beberapa hal yang aku pelajari di tahun 2015, whether it's from my personal experiences, or other people's experiences. Semoga juga bisa menjadi pelajaran buat kalian yang baca!

1. You have your own expectation in life, but life doesn't always works the way you wish it was.

It's true. I mean, not just in 2015. Aku udah ngalamin beberapa kali. But always see the good thing that came after that.  Maybe it's not like what you've always wanted, but on some point ,you'll look back and realize that it's what you need.

2. Try not to over-think things, live a little. You deserve a happy life once in a blue moon.

Contohnya, UNAS. Siapa sih yang nggak ngeri sama kata UNAS? Kayanya kalau udah bahas UNAS pasti mikirnya, "aduh gimana nih kalo nilai jelek?" atau kalo kaya kasusku kemarin waktu mau UNAS sih malah aku tinggal nonton OTRA. Kalau kataku sih, ngga perlu lah dipikirin sampe sedalem-dalemnya. You just have to do your best, and let God do the rest. Percaya aja sama kemampuan diri sendiri. Always listen to your heart and believe in yourself.

3. Parents knows best, yes I know that. But you're the owner of your life. Do not let their demands get in your dreams.

Perkara ini biasanya dialami sama anak-anak yang mau masuk dunia perkuliahan. Biasanya si anak mau kemana, si orang tua mau anaknya kemana. Aku tau aku bukan expert karena masih baru mau ke semester dua. But it's true, your parents shouldn't stir you or told you where to go because nantinya kamu yang akan menjalani semuanya. Atau secara, kamu bukan anak kecil lagi gitu. You have to try to make your own decisions in life, and then live all the consequences (if there is any). kalau nggak dilepasin untuk mencoba, kapan bisanya? Memang mereka punya ekspektasi anak-anaknya mau jadi sarjana apa, mau kerja apa, tapi kalau si anak ini nggak enjoy dalam menjalaninya? Percuma dong. Malah jadinya terpaksa, and if you do things not because you wanted to, you're doomed.

4. Love your MOM unconditionally.

I think that's a must. Siapa sih yang nggak cinta sama mamanya disini? I know you guys terkadang ngerasa jengkel karena mak mak biasanya emang cerewet. But don't you think that she's cerewet buat kebaikan kalian? I don't know about you guys, but for me the key to my success is my mom. And this is what I've been telling the people who asked me how to get accepted di jalur undangan, is because I just love my mom. Seriously, I never consider myself smart or diligent. I'd never study when I'm home. I just love my mom, that's all. And after all, nothing can beats the proud feeling you get when you see her smile because she's proud of you.

5. Always try to put yourself in someone else's shoes.

Seperti yang sudah pernah aku tulis sebelumnya, try to put yourself in someone else's shoes when you're trying to understand things. Budayakan selalu melihat semuanya from different perspective. Karena dengan begitu, kamu jadi nggak egois dan juga bisa lebih memahami apa yang sedang orang-orang alami. Life is not all about you, yourself, and your life.

6. Do not EVER think that people should have the same life as yours.

Just because you have a rough life doesn't mean that people should have the same destiny as yours. No. Please don't EVER think like that. Jangan karena hidup kalian keras, terus kalian jengkel liat anak yang justru berbanding terbalik dengan kalian, terus kalian harus musuhin dan bikin hidup orang lain juga susah dan keras. Again, life is not all about you, yourself, and your life.

7. Do not EVER think that people have to solve their problems the way you solve yours.

Setiap orang punya kehidupan, dan di dalam kehidupan nggak mungkin nggak ada masalahnya. Dan masing-masing individu pun punya cara untuk menyelesaikan masalahnya sendiri. Misal kamu adalah tipe orang yang grasa-grusu, nggak perlu juga kamu nyuruh teman kamu yang curhat ke kamu untuk nyelesaiin masalahnya the way you solve yours. A wise listener is the one who can give people advice and not forcing them to do it or solving the problem with the way the listener does. Sometimes kalian hanya perlu memberikan saran dan leave the rest to the owner of the problem.

8. Being "broken home" is a CHOICE.

Yes, after 10 years of being broken home I finally realized that being broken home is a choice. Aku nggak pernah merasa broken karena aku sadar bahwa with my mom and dad divorced, it's for the best. Well sometimes I do miss the time of being with family where my mom, my dad, my brother, and me just together. Tapi semakin kesini semakin sadar bahwa dari dulu we've never been that close to each other, and I've had some pretty rough experiences before they decided to separate. So I guess that's why I've never felt broken. Lalu aku sadar, being "broken home" is a choice. We can choose to let it broke or built a new one. And I chose the right thing to built a new one.

I guess that's it untuk chapter ini. I hope you all can find some senses and learn something new! Thank you 2015 for all these lessons and I hope for the best in 2016!

P.S.: Merry Christmas to everyone who celebrates it! xo

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