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Do you know how it feels when you miss someone but you know that someone (probably) didn't even bother to think about you?

And then you said, no matter what I said about not missing them in my life, deep down inside my heart I knew that it was a lie, a mask, to help me go through the day knowing that their life is (probably) fine without your presence.

Do you know how it feels when you needed that someone beside you but you know you can't have it?

And then you said, no matter how many times I said I don't need them in my life, again, it was a lie and a mask to help me get through the day. Because I don't want to look weak. I wanted to be strong.

Do you know how it feels when you love that someone but you know that they can only hurt you instead of loving you back?

And then you said, no matter what they did to me, no matter how bad they hurt me, I'm still going to love them because I know you can't unlove them, even after what happened between the two of us in the past.

Well, I know how that feels.

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