Chapter 16: Goodbyes Were Never Meant To Be Happy

Start from the beginning

"Later," he promised. I nodded silently, smiling as I saw my lipstick smeared across his lips. Giggling slightly I brought my fingers up and wiped it from his lips. Wes watched me with amusement.

"There we go," I said as I got the last of it.

"Thanks," Wes laughed.

"Anytime," I smiled then grabbed his hand and we walked inside.

"Happy Thanksgiving Weston!" My mom called from the kitchen.

"Happy Thanksgiving and thank you for inviting me over."

"Oh nonsense, you're family now Wes," mom pulled him into a hug.

"Thank you, Mrs. Montgomery," Wes returned the hug then stepped back to wrap his arm around my waist.

"Please, call me Gwen," she turned back to the kitchen and bent down to retrieve another dish from the oven.

I took his hand again and lead him into the living room where my dad was watching a football game.

"Hey, Weston," he said without taking his eyes off the TV. I laughed and sat down on the far end of the couch. Wes followed me and threw an arm around my shoulders. I leaned against his side and relaxed as I watched he and my dad share commentary on the game. I laughed as a bad play was called and my dad jumped from his seat and yelled at the TV. Even though I was content and happy I couldn't help but wonder if things were going to be the same when we got back. If we were coming back. I couldn't ask Wes's brother to leave the only place he's known and come live in Ashland. And I knew how much Wes missed his home. I saw the sad look he got in his eyes and the way his shoulders would droop when he thought no one was looking. He needed to go home, but I also couldn't just move to Ireland. My parents were in Ashland. Abby, school, my life, was all in Ashland. I've never lived anywhere else. But if it meant Wes's happiness, I would do anything or go anywhere.

"Dinner is ready!" My mom called from the kitchen. We all migrated to the dinner table and sat. I smiled as I saw the happiness in Wes's eyes. Though he didn't normally celebrate Thanksgiving I could tell he was more than happy to be here.

"Before we start eating I was would just like to say thank you," my dad began. "I am so blessed to have such a wonderful family and I love you guys so much. Thank you Helen for making this beautiful meal. Thank you Adelle for being such a blessing to your mother and I, and thank you Weston for coming into our lives and loving our daughter."

"Thank you, Sir, for accepting me into your lives and thank you Adelle for loving me," Wes laughed softly.

"Thank you Wes, for being my rock when things became unreal, I love you," I leaned over and kissed his cheek.

"Oh goodness, I'm going to cry," My mom laughed. "I love you all so much and thank you for making my life complete," she kissed my dad's cheek.

In that moment I couldn't be happier. I had all that I wanted. I was surrounded by the people I loved. The smile couldn't be wiped off my lips. It was permanent and as I gazed around at the most important people in my life I couldn't imagine needing anything else.

"Okay everyone, let's eat!" We all dug in and soon plates were being passed around and the sound of silverware and laughter floated all around us. I smiled excitedly as the beef stew got passed to Wes. He ladled a large helping onto his plate and when he had brought his spoon to his mouth and tasted it his eyes widened and he looked over at me.

"Adelle, is this-"

"Your mom's recipe? Yes it is." My smile was so big my cheeks hurt.

"But how?"

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