“She’s a feisty one. Hold her still for me Craig.” I heard a zipper going down and I struggled even more. I managed to move a little and bit down on the hand over my mouth. He let out a swear as I kicked the other in his family jewels before trying to sprint away. But the third guy managed to tackle me down. I fell on my arm at an awkward angle and let out a cry as I felt it crack beneath me.

“Somebody help me!” I screamed. The guy holding me down turned me over and started to work at my shirt buttons as the other two held my arms. I kicked him as well, gaining an angry groan from him before he hit me right across my jaw. I saw stars before he let me have another punch across the other side of my face.

“Someone’s coming!” One of the guys hissed before getting up and running for it. His friends gazed down at me before taking off along with him.

“Stop!” I heard the outsider yell at the running guys before turning to see me lying on the ground. I tried to move my arm, which I was sure was broken only to let out a strained shriek from the pain. My entire face was throbbing from the pain and I couldn’t focus my vision. “Oh my god, James…” I recognized the voice of my rescuer. I couldn’t have been more thankful to hear him.

“Noah…” I whimpered.


I had been heading to the jazz club, hoping to speak to Hollis or even Wes about what had happened with James. I didn’t want to give up on us. I couldn’t just let her walk away.

That was when I heard the scream for help. I ran toward the voice, only to see three guys book it from the alley. “Stop!” I yelled at them, ready to run after them before I turned toward the alley. A small figure lay in the darkness, whimpering in pain. I heard her let out a loud scream of agony as she tried to move. I moved closer and recognized her easily, feeling as if my heart stopped.

“Oh my god, James.” I couldn’t believe it.

“Noah,” She whispered back to me, barely able to speak. What had those bastards done to her? I gingerly took her into my arms and started heading toward the club so I could call an ambulance.

I could only imagine Wes’s reaction to his sister’s condition.

The second I walked up to Jeff, he looked as if he were ready to burst with rage. “We have to call her an ambulance. My cell phone is dead. I found her in an alley a few blocks away." Without any hesitation Jeff pulled out his phone and called, ushering us inside with him and shutting the door behind him. He led me to the backroom and had me lay James on the couch back there.

“I’ll be right back. They should be here soon.” Jeff said before disappearing again.

It was barely a minute before Wes burst into the room, red faced and raging. “What the hell happened, Noah?” Wes growled at me.

“I heard her scream, found her in an alley a few blocks down.” I recited again. “The guys ran off before I could get them. I thought bringing her here to call for an ambulance was best.”

“My god,” He groaned, looking at James’s pitiful and damaged appearance. “James?” he asked.

“Wes,” James croaked. “It hurts so bad.”

“Who did this to you?” He asked, kneeling beside her.

“I don’t know. Three guys, tried to…tried to…If Noah hadn’t come…” She stammered. “Wes, it hurts so bad. I think my arm is broken.” She managed.

“The ambulance should be here soon. Don’t worry.” I tried to soothe her, pushing her hair from her face, now purple with bruises.

Jeff drove us to the hospital, following the ambulance as Wes called Hollis to tell her what had happened. Jeff headed back to the club to run things while Wes went in with James and I waited in the waiting room. Hollis joined me shortly after we arrived, pale with worry.  

 I couldn’t tell you how long we waited to hear from the doctors, but it felt endless. Finally, Wes came out looking weary. “She has some bruising and a broken arm. She also has cuts on her legs from when they tackled her and her knee is a bit worse for wear. She’ll need a brace and crutches for a while. We spoke with the police already and they’re just patching her up now.” Wes was flexing his fingers, as if he was having trouble keeping his temper under control.

“It could’ve been much worse, Wes.” Hollis said, putting a soothing hand on his arm. She turned to me and pulled me into a hug. “Thank you so much!” She cried, pressing her face into my chest. I was stunned into silence, looking over at Wes who nodded.

“Yes Noah. I can’t tell you how thankful we are that you were there to help.” He added, looking even more tired than before.  

“When will she get to leave?” Hollis asked, pulling away from me and wiping her eyes.

“Tonight. They’re just making sure her arm is set correctly with the second set of x-rays.”

“Noah, why were you even there?” Hollis asked and I sighed.

“To be honest, I was coming to the jazz club to find you. James said thought we should end it earlier today, and I didn’t want to give up that easily. I found her on my way over.”

“She ended it with you? She chose Landon?” Wes asked, looking confused. “She was pretty messed up about Landon this morning though. I think he ended things with her too, unless I’m mistaken.”

“This whole confusing situation is messed up.” Hollis said, putting her hand to her head. “Noah, I think you’re right though. Don’t give up. She really does like you.”

“Yeah, but I think she loves that other guy.”

“Don’t sell yourself short, Noah. Trust me.” Hollis said with a smile.


Hollis texted me on the way to the hospital. I was in pure shock and wasn’t sure what to do. The first thing I did was call Landon though, he answered after a moment, sounding elated.

“Abby, you’ll never guess what-…”

“Shut up,” I stopped him. “James is in the hospital.”

“What? What happened?”

“She was attacked by three guys in an alley. Hollis said they’re in the ER right now.”

“Is she okay?”

“I don’t know! I’m going crazy not knowing! Come with me. I’m heading over there now.”

“I-…I can’t.”

“What?” I asked in shock. “What the hell do you mean you can’t?”

“I’m out for drinks with Richard Maxfield and Katrina.”

“Then excuse yourself and get the hell over here.”

“No, Abby, you don’t understand. I can’t stay involved with James anymore. I can’t do it.”

“Why not? She chose you!” I said, incredulously.

“What?” He repeated.

“She went to tell Noah that she chose you today. She’s in love with you.”

“Abs..it…it doesn’t matter anymore.”

“Oh, so it’s all about Katrina now?”

“No, I’m not going to be with Katrina either. I’ve been offered a new position. He’ll have me basically running my own hospital.”

“What the hell does that have to do with anything?”

“Abby, I’ll be moving to Kenya.”


Oh SNAP! Okay guys, Team Noah or Team Landon?? Why? Let me know! Comment and vote my lovelies!!!

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