14: Three Days

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After Calum had walked me back to my cabin it was already 4am and since I had nothing to do the next day at all I decided I may as well sleep. I turned my phone all the way down so I wouldn't be disrupted at all and go back to sleep missing the warmth of Calum next to me. I fall instantly to sleep.

°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°Dia Una°°°°°°°°°°°°

I wake back up and instantly check my phone. It was now noon and I had a few texts.

Luke: is it okay if I come over? Feeling rather lonely I text him yes and check my other one

Calum: hey loser I miss you. I smile at his attempt to be cool around me.

Me: hi bud, I don't really miss you. Im going to enjoy this peace away from you XD

I laugh at my attempt to be rude to Calum hoping he didn't take it seriously. Thank God he didn't

Cal: of course you are, well I'm going back to sleep . I got Ashton today . who'd you get?

Me: sweet dreams I got Lukey.

Cal: don't let him touch you.

"Are you already going through Calum withdrawals?" Luke's tall figure appears in the cabin doorway. He looked nice with his blond hair styled in a way that made him look even more attractive.

"No I'm not having Calum withdrawals. " I say making a face at him. He giggles at me and he climbs into my bed sitting next to me.

"So how is your friendship with Calum?" Luke says putting his head down on my shoulder. I didn't know Luke and I were close whatsoever but he was a touchy type of person. He surely wouldn't make a move on me. I felt like we were past that level.

"It has been good. We talk about everything." I put my head against the wall looking up at the ceiling I didn't really know what else to say. I really did miss Calum already and it hadn't been that long and I was just texting him.

"You like him don't you?" Luke removes his head from my shoulder with a stupid smile plastered on his face. I look at him raising my eyebrows. Making a look of disgust. He didn't need to know my feelings

"What? No of course not you're crazy"

"Come on, you can tell me the truth. Do you like him?" Luke brings a finger to my cheek poking continuously. I feel my face heat up.

" I don't know maybe."

••••••••••••Dia Dos•••••••••••

I woke up feeling like complete shit. My head was aching, my throat was sore and it hurt to talk. Ashton texted me asking if he could come over

Me: yeah can you take me to the nurse? I don't feel good.

Seconds later I climbed down the ladder just as Ashton walked in

"Are you ready?" He asked me

"Yeah" I choke out. My voice was not working with me today. Ashton walked me all the way into the nurses office he only left when she made him.

"Okay dear let me look down your throat." She says as she takes out that God awful popsicle stick to shove down my throat.

"Based on your symptoms I would say that you have laryngitis. Now you should maintain your rest and stay away from people. For a solid 24 hours. Your cabin mates are fine if they don't get in your space. I'm going to send you back with the antibiotic and come see me on Friday. Alright?" I nod taking the pills she already had in her hand she goes out and explains my predicament to Ashton telling him that I could get home alone.

So I spent the rest of the day alone.

×××××××××××××××Dia Tres× ××××××××××

I had to stay by myself all day but it was my last day away from Calum, I hadn't texted him much. I tried to give him some space. I didn't want him to think that I was super clingy and I didn't want him to know how I was starting to feel about him.

My Michael day was obviously cancelled on account of my laryngitis. I didn't want to get any of them sick so when they texted and asked if they could come over I told them to spend the day with Calum because I was sure that he was lonely.

I couldn't talk so I tried to rest. I felt like I had been doing nothing but sleeping when I wasn't with Calum I was so bored and had nothing to do. I couldn't be around them anyway so eventually I fell back to sleep.


When I woke back up it was dark outside. Rebecca had returned back to the cabin.

"Hey sunshine how you feeling? Can you try to talk to me?" Her peppy voice filled the cabin and my head. I felt her voice ring in my ears.

"I miss Calum" The first words I tried to get out since my voice was completely gone, and they came out successfully.

"I know you do kid but you two get to be cabin buddies in the morning." She climbs up my ladder and offers me some chocolate that I reluctantly take from her, I wasn't contagious anymore it had been 24 hours.

"Did you sign me up for one of the extra things?" I had asked her to sign me up for a random thing because I didn't want to pick something for myself.

"Yes ma'am it's another piano class. I know how you love it. Anyway what is going on with you and Hood? Are you guys a couple?" She looks down at her phone, somehow Luke changed his mind about her and got her number. Ever since then they constantly texted which was pretty sicking.

"No, he doesn't feel the same way about me as I do him." I sigh looking at my phone it had officially been longer than 72 hours since Calum and I had contact. Our three days were up.

"Why not buttercup? You're beautiful." She looks at me

"I really like him, but I don't know how we would even work. He deserves better than me. I don't know what to do with myself." I put my head in my hands.

"So what are you saying then?" I hear her take a deep breath I do as well to prepare myself for my next words.

"I really like Calum Hood." I say laying my head down on my pillow.

"Really?" I look up to see Calum standing in the doorway of the cabin looking up at me with a huge smile on his stupid face.

This book isn't going to be super long because if I get enough feedback and or reads I may make a sequel. And I've tried to make long books and it didn't turn out gr8. Look at Addicted and Kissed. They were shit. But anyway yeah, you're so beautiful and you are loved.

Don't forget



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