10:Cabin Buddies

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I continue to look into his eyes until he says another word. I see him tense up and it's like he almost changes personalities. He gets a hard stone faced expression on his face.

"We should get going Ashton is expecting you." He stands up throwing his cigarette over the cliff before us. He puts a piece of mint gum in his mouth. He extends his hand to me to help me up. I grab it feeling the calloused fingers he has. He plays some sort of guitar.

"You never told me what instrumemt you played." I ask after we pass the shack again he still has my hand in his neither one of us want to let go.

"Bass" One word is all I get. It's weird how we can have these double sided deep conversations with each other but it is hard for him to stay interested in simple topic based ones. He was definitely a mystery. He was battling himself on things. I just wanted to know what it was.

I feel his fingers tighten around mine when we emerge from the wood line. He looks down at our intertwined fingers and then yanks his hand from mine harshly. Making a face to match his actions. I watch him walk away from me quickly joining his friends. Everyone was ready for the meeting.After what just happened I don't want to go with him yet. He obviously needed some space or something.

I spot familiar red hair and walk toward it. I see most of my cabin mates around her. Rebecca looks up to see me and starts smiling.

"Hey early bird. Where'd you go this morning?" She pats a spot next to her and I gratefully take it. With Calum's mood swings I needed plan B friends and Rebecca was definitely number one. I could tell she was trustworthy. She was caring too. I was going to get to know her better.

"I went to shower and then went on a walk. You know? It's peaceful when you're alone." I shrug and look to where Calum went to join the boys they are all looking at me. I direct my sight to Becca.

"One of the girls told me you let Calum Hood in and then left with him. You aren't hooking up with him are you" her face was apparent with shock.

"No, of course not. He just offered to walk me to the showers because it was going to be dark. Then we hung out. God no, nothing like what you're thinking happened." I imagine my face was twisted some weird way on account of how Becca started laughing. She turned serious moments later turning to face me completely.

"Look Julia, you're beautiful and so friendly and confident but can you do me a favor?" Her eyes search mine for understanding I nod making her continue.

"You can fall for any guy here, you could probably have any guy here. But you don't need to fall for Calum Hood. Please he is bad news." Her soft hands lay on my lap gently.

"You don't have to worry about that Becca." I reassure her.

"Speaking of the devil here one comes." She whispers looking abruptly upward.

"Hey Bec, do you mind if I steal your cabin mate?" Luke looks down at us biting his lip. I look at Becca her face flushed a deep red. She stammers a few words before shoving me toward Luke. I get up next to Luke, he towers over me.

"Goodmorning Beautifulness. How was the alone time with Calum?" He asks giggling as we walk toward the boys. I hit him in the ribs making him laugh harder.

"Shut it." Luke was a sweet kid to me. So far. We arrive with the other boys enveloped in their own conversations Ashton looks up when he hears footsteps in front of him.

"Goodmornin Lian. How'd your first night here treat you?" He scoots himself over so there is space on the wrechit log. I sit between him and Michael.

"It was okay. I guess." I say looking at my phone it had vibrated.

Calum: we need to talk later.

Me: no thanks

I hit send and look back to Ashton, who was watching his sister.

"She's sweet, Lauren" I say nudging his shoulder making him look at me.

"I worry about her though ." he looks to the ground.

"Why?" I ask raising an eyebrow.

"Okay we're gonna get this over quick. So you can get to know your cabin buddies! Okay cabins 11&13 you need to listen Carla Kean and Lilly Staff , Luke Hemmings and Micheal Clifford." The booming man continues to stammer morw names. He moves to other cabins calling Ashtons name with the boy Jax he told me about last night.

The man came to my cabin last. I tuned out most of it "Okay last but not least cabins 7 & 14. We have Rebecca Starn and Leslie Plath. Lauren Irwin and Cody Ling. Julianna Joy and Calum Hood." Great fucking great. I drop my head in my hands. Now I had to deal with Calum's mood swings.

"Okay everyone find your cabin buddies and spend the day to get acquainted .Tomorrow you'll sign up for extra space occupiers. We expect to see everyone with their cabin buddies at lunch immediately following this meeting. That is all" He puts his mic down and people started to get up and meet their cabin buddies.

I put my head back in my hands praying that the boys lefted me alone. Of course they weren't answered. I feel a tap on my shoulder. "We're cabin buddies." Calum's voice sounds childish.

"Thanks for informing me. Now leave me alone." Judging by the lack of movement I felt. I knew that the boys hadn't left.

"Why are you acting like a baby?" Calum asks making me look up only to give him a glare. Did he really just call me a baby?"

"Bud, you need to go look in the mirror." I stand up.

Lol. Okay so i'm reading the Death Cure by James Dashner. I h8 chapters 40 & 41. Okay I can't I'll cry again.
Thanks for reading.
Don't forget



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