07: Pretty

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I look at the others sitting on the floor and then back to Calum. Was he serious? After he had literally just told me he didn't like me and thought I was whiny he offered to talk me back to my cabin. I hear Ashton clear his throat making me look at him. Go on he suggests in his nod. This boy better be lucky that I genuinely like him.

"Are you sure?" I look back to Calum who once again shrugged his shoulders. He was wearing a black singlet and I watched his arm muscles tighten as he raised them. He had good arms they were very toned. I nod in agreement .

"Bye Lucia,Ash and Clifford." He waves before walking out of the door which was barely on its hinges.

"Lian, be careful with Calum he's very temperamental." Ashton warns.

"Bye Lian it was great meeting you. Hopefully you stay around." Luke says smiling at me and Michael waves like a small child with his bright smile. I wave back and tell Luke I'll think about it before walking back out of the cabin.

I look into the darkness and see just that; darkness. I strain my eyes I know Calum, didn't like me but he did say he'd walk me back to my cabin and he didn't seem like a shit person that would jet away. Just as I'm about to turn to go back into the cabin I see a flare of orange a bit in front of me. I walk toward it and find Calum leaning against a tree a lit cigarette in his mouth.

He smiles at me. Yes actual smile. He had a very nice face to match his nice arms. I feel his hand lay on my shoulder and the other removes the cigarette from his mouth to flick his ashes off.

"Are you ready?" He asks. I feel a little uneasy in the pitch black. The moon was covered by the clouds in the sky, and I began to worry as to if Calum could get us back I'm this amount of darkness.

"Julia, Are you ready? Don't worry I know my way with my eyes closed." He tries to make the mood lighter.

"Well, I'm pretty ignorant aren't I? It is like my eyes are closed,it's pitch black out here." He laughs a bit making me giggle at his mistake. I felt ignorant as well because I didn't catch it either. We start walking into the darkness and I realize that I must have some kind of unknown judgement character because I did trust him enough to let him walk me back.

"Are you not going to talk to me at all?" He questions next to me.

"I don't want to whine." I say very monotone. I hear him let out a breath.

"I'm sorry about that, look if you are going to be friends with my friends you should know how bad of a person I am." I hear no sarcasm in his voice whatsoever , he is truly serious.

"So can we not be friends at all?" I ask him.

"You really shouldn't want to be friends with me, I'm telling you. I don't open up much . I'm very rude and I am not worth your time here." Once again no sarcasm. I instantly feel bad for him. What type of person pits them self down so bad. We're interupted when his cell phone rings him answering immediately.


"Are you serious mate?"

"Not really it's just a warning."

"Okay hold on" He puts his hand on the receiver and looks toward me.

"They forgot to get your number." He says to me with a smile. I giggle and tell him my number to repeat back to which ever boy was on the other end. He says a few more inaudible words before hanging up. Leaving him , me and the silence eating up the space between us. We walk a little farther before he decides to speak again.

"If you and me become friends you will end up getting hurt,Lian." He promises. I didn't care though I wanted to be friends with him more than any of the others partly because I wanted to know what went on in his mind.

"I'd like to know what you were thinking about in that pretty head of yours." He chuckles at me. You too Calum, you too. I laugh at another on of his backwards compliments. When I look up I see the lights of the campsite. We exit from the woods and I feel Calum tense up next to me as we walk toward the cabins. We get to the one I remembered from earlier I knew I was out past dark but I hoped I wouldn't get in trouble my first night here.

I look back to Calum who had laid a hand on the nape of his neck

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