04: C-A-M-P-F-I-R-E song

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After I get all of my bags unpacked in the tiny oak dresser I assume was designated to me, a small girl walks in radiating hatred murmuring curses under her breathe... I immediately look at her tiny figure and notice she's completely wet. It takes me a minute of mustering courage before I speak.

"Are you okay?" Her eyes are a startling hazel when they meet mine she hadn't noticed I was there. Her tension releases a bit when she shoots a toothy smile my way.

"My stupid ass brother and his dumb friends always do some prank on an unfortunate person and this year it was me." She looks at me once more before thrusting her small hand out in front of her.

"Sorry ; I'm Lauren Irwin" I take her hand and gently shake it.

"I'm Julia and you're fine but I can't exactly say I understand, I don't have any siblings" I look at the cabin that is going to be my home. It is wooden as expected but adorned with band posters. On one wall was only Panic at The Disco another was Fall Out Boy and the third was You Me at Six.

Well at least they had good music taste. "You're blessed then I've got two brothers, one older one younger. Harry used to be an angel until he started acting like Ashton ." she smiles , I can tell that her brothers mean a lot by the way she talked of them even though she claimed otherwise.

I'm guessing that the Ashton I met minutes ago was her brother, which would explain her resemblance. Well he was a sweet boy.

"Well, you're new here and I assume you would like to know how things work here?" She gestures to the cabin around us. I nod

"Okay so every night we do a campfire meeting which starts in half an hour. We all go to practice from 8 to 10 am. And then we all have activities which you will sign up for soon. Then we have lunch and then have most of the day off."

"Off? What do you mean by off?" Its not like this is work or anything right? Because this is definitely not what I signed up for.

"Well, we don't have other plans until dinner. You can do anything as long as its not having sex in the lake house like Jack and Anna did two summers back." She giggles at the thought of two people getting caught doing the deed at summer camp. I walk back to the dresser and open it up trying to avoid anymore thoughts that I was currently having.

"Okay um thanks I guess and, is your brother by any chance the one with light curly hair and Hazel eyes?" I look through my clothes trying to find something for tonight.

"Yes, I'm assuming you've met him?" She puts a hand on her hip. I shake my head and smile a bit.

"Oh lord please don't tell me you like him?" She inquires causing me to look to her again. She has a look of disgust plastered upon her face.

"Oh no, I met him and he seemed really sweet and I was just making sure it was the same person." I pull out a solid red dress that goes past my knees and hold it up to myself making sure it looks okay.

"Yeah he is really sweet and one good thing about him. If he tells you something he usually means it but anyway I'm sorry but I was supposed to meet one of my friends so I gotta run. See you later Julia nice meeting you again." I nod once again before she walks out of the cabin with a dry outfit. And I'm left alone. I'm not really sure how I feel about her. She isn't that bad but she talks a lot more than I'd like.

I get some things for a shower. I need to be clean when I meet Ashton and his friends again. I also needed to be looking presentable. I try to remember where I walked past a shower house. I walk out of the cabin and start my journey to the bathroom.


After I'm out, dry and dressed I fix my hair and reapply make up. I look at my phone and see that I have 8 minutes until this campfire thing. I decide to start walking back to where I saw the fire pit. When I make of back I see a bunch of logs around the pit . oh god what a cliché ? I find a log and sit on it. I try to look at the scenery until people started to fill in. The logs around me are getting filled up fast. A group of preppy looking girls sit right next to me. I over hear some of their conversation without trying to.

"Ashton is so cute, I know he likes me. I can tell."

"No, Michael is way more attractive have you heard him play?"

"You guys Luke told me that he wanted me to meet him in the canoe shack tomorrow at four!"

"Really? Luke already met me there earlier Beck."

"Wait shut up Ashton's coming over here to talk to me!"

"Lian? Is that you?" A familiar voice calls from a crowd and seconds later I see Ashton literally running toward me with his arms open. I stand up just in time for him to snatch me into a hug that I didn't think was appropriate considering we met for 15 minutes earlier today. I hug him back anyway. He lets me go only to sit on the log pulling me down with him.

"Lian, these are my friends.Michael,Luke and Calum" He points to three boys standing in front of us awkwardly . I notice two of them immediately, Emerald and Ocean eyes. Now I look at them closer emerald eyes which i've now learned his name was Michael has purple hair and his emerald eyes were highly bloodshot. Ocean eyes which i've learned was named Luke was most definitely the tallest of all four boys. I had to admit he was pretty attractive. You could tell he knew he was attractive which kind of made me standoffish.

The only one I hadn't met yet was Calum. There was something different about him. I could immediately tell that he carried himself a different way than the others did. He had brown short hair and big brown eyes.

"Nice to meet you guys I'm Julia." I smile and extend my hand out to the three boys. Luke reaches out and kisses the top of it, winking at me when I pull away. Michael looks at my outstretched hand and starts giggling before giving me a small awkward high five. I turn to face Calum

"You can keep your goddamn friendship." He coldly states before sitting next to Ashton and looking off into the distance.

Dedicated to kwrites because she is my all time favorite author on here. And i want to be like her. Okay? Okay.

She knows all of the boys now. Turn up.

But what's up with Calum? He's rude.
You'll find out later.

Don't forget



Recommend to your homies.


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