05: Smores

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I sit down feeling rather defeated and look to some campers attempting to light the fire..

"Don't mind Calum, he takes a while to come around." Ashton says rather loudly in my ear causing the pixie haired Michael to look in my direction.

"Yeah he is a bit of a moody pants." He immediately starts giggling after he finishes his sentence.

"So, Lian? How are you liking it here so far?" Ashton asks ignoring his air headed friend. I look at him and see Luke looking at us listening to our conversation.

"Um, considering I've been here all of five hours and I've already met my first real life stoner I feel pretty grand." I nod my head toward Michael who is studying his hands with deep concentration. Both Ashton and Luke silently hold back a laugh.

"He isn't always this messed up, give him a few minutes he'll come back to earth a bit. So Ashton tells me you've been homeschooled how has that been?" Luke looks at me biting his lip and I feel myself turning a fine shade of pink so I look away to regain myself, wow he was very attractive.

"It's okay considering I know nothing about public school anyway." I look past Luke to the rude boy next to him and learn that he is glancing my way only until we make eye contact making us both look another way immediately.

"Well, that's fine what cabin are you in?" Luke asks me and I look to Ashton I know absolutely nothing about this camp or myself apparently. I can already tell Ashton is my friend considering I can tell that he actually cares about what I have to say.

"She's in cabin 7. what cabin do you have?" Ashton answers for me.

"I'm in 13. Mikey got 11 and Cal which did you get? they are gonna announce who the cabin buddies are." Luke states looking at me for a bit to long making me feel uncomfortable I lean back attempting to hide behind Ashton.

"I got 14." Calum blantly states

"What are cabin buddies?" I attempted to whisper to Ashton, failing miserably.

"See the consulers take every cabin and put campers in it that have similar musical ability, then they put the cabins with another cabin. And then they randomly draw out names."

My contact falls on a tall boy across the way looking at me. He has hair styled like Ashton's only a bit lighter, he has a lip piercing like Luke's only on the opposite side. He smiles at me and I smile back as I study his face. His teeth are a brilliant shade of white his eyes ,well I can't tell what color they are but they are bright and wide.

"His name is Jax he plays the piano." Ashton's calm voice rings in my ear. I turn toward him about to speak again when I'm interrupted.

"Welcome to Camp Treble. Now for those of you that have never been here you should probably try to listen and for those of you who have been here try to tune this out because you already know it. At 9 am tomorrow you will wake up and go sign up for your activity. I'm not going to go into detail that is someone else's job tomorrow.

The rules here are simple. Wake up at 6:30am do practice until 10:45. Go get cleaned up for lunch be in the mess hall before 11:30. Eat. Go get cleaned up for your desired activity until 2:30. Then you go meet your cabin buddy, No you may not change your cabin buddy you have been assigned to them and contrary to what your parents say you are not that special and the world does not revolve around you.

Now you better get to like your cabin buddy because you will be spending a hell of a lot of time with them. The cabins that cabin buddies will come from are matched as followed. 1&4,3&8,2&5,9&10,7&14,11&13,6&12. You will have 4 days until you're assigned the cabin buddies so make friends. Last thing be in your cabin before midnight or else there will be consequences. That is all. The rest of the night is yours."

The booming voice of the man was quickly cut short when chatter started back up. Most likely on account of the cabin matching apparently that was a big deal.

"Let's go to the lakehouse there are less people." Michael says without giggling, I study him to learn that his eyes are less blood shot now and it seems like he has composed himself a bit. Luke gets up pulling Ashton after him. Calum and I are left on the log, Ashton turns around reaching a hand out for me. I grab it as he pulls me up. He keeps my small hand in his own.

We walk for a bit until we get to a wood line and Michael ducks through the trees all four of us following after him. We finally arrive at a run down shack that looks like it will fall down if the wind blows. I suddenly feel uneasy. Why would I come into the woods where absolutely no one knew where I was going? With three teenage boys that I only met hours ago. Wow I am already too trusting of total strangers . I know nothing about these boys.

"Lian? What's the matter?" Ashton moves a stray piece of hair from my face looking into my eyes with concern written all over his face. His question turned the others to face us.

"Wow mate maybe the fact that she just followed three strangers to a run down cabin in the middle of the woods has her uneasy." Michael laughs at us before turning around to unlock the shack and walk inside. Calum follows immediately after him. Luke stays back for a second

"Don't worry no one can hear you scream." He winks before entering the shack.

So, I'm so excited for this story. Sorry its a filler but you guys had to learn how the camp worked. And stuff it will get better unless I end up giving up on it.

Don't forget



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