Chapter 1- Insanity is Sanity

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I sat in my room wondering what I should do with myself today, nothing ever happened here and it was starting to make me go crazy. It has been 2 months since I was locked up in this place for what they call troubled teens who I call the F ups. The counselors were too happy and I wanted to strangle all of them.

“Madison, honey Miss. Roberts wants to talk to you” a voice called out from the other side of my locked bedroom door. I looked over at the empty bed across from me and smiled to myself as I got up and unlocked the door and walked out. My feet slid across the wood floor as I walked down the hallway. Kid’s avoided me as I passed, trying to avert their eyes.

What the hell are they staring at?

You, who else

But why?

Maybe because you pushed your roommate down the stairs a week ago

She fell I didn’t touch her

Ok whatever you say

I never use to talk to myself so much before but it was a way of keeping me busy, that and getting in trouble. “Madison, did you hear what I said?” Miss. Roberts asked, I looked up at her and crossed my arms over my chest and frowned.

“Yes I did and I don’t care.” I snapped coldly. Miss. Roberts sighed and was writing something down in her little book.

What is she writing anyway?

How troubled we are

Ooh goodie

“Well Madison have you been taking your medication?” she asked leaning a little bit more forward.

“I don’t need them, I feel fine.” I protested,

“Well we need you to try,” she told me as she stood up. I rolled my eyes and stood up and headed for the door.

“Madison, please work on that temper.” And with that she closed the door.

“But I like my insanity,” I proudly said as I spun down the hallway, and I spun right into Mr. Blue eyes.

“You like your insanity?” He chuckled, with a smirk on his face.

“Yes, I do, insanity is sanity” I explained but he looked a little lost.

“Don’t worry, you don’t have to know what I’m talking about you’ll understand my ways after a while” I explained shrugging as I walked past him and headed back to my room where I could do as I pleased. It never matter’s what you do to be put in this hell whole, and the other kids will always look at you with the same stare you give them. And also just because they’ve been locked up in there doesn’t mean they’ll be good. Fight’s happen here all the time and no one ever holds back.

“Fight, fight, fight,” kids chanted as I walk closer to the living room. And I just stood and watched from the side lines not bothering to get involved at all.

“Hay Madison, what’s going on?” a voice asked me, I looked away from the fight and standing beside me was a girl with blond hair and brown eyes.

“Just another fight,” I simply replied trying to put a name to her face. She nodded and leaned on the wall beside me.

“Why are you talking to me?” I asked a little annoyed at how close she was to me.

“Well everyone is saying you’re the one not to mess with and I thought…” she paused looking down at her feet.

“That, I’d what, watch your back, yeah don’t think so.” I hissed as I just left her there staring at my back.

Stupid girl

I really hate people like her

As I proceeded back to my room I heard more yelling echoing from the dining hall and it sounded like another fight. I pushed open the swinging door, I saw a group of kids standing around two girls but the one that caught my eye was the one jean shorts and a purple t-shirt that said “ don’t mess with me” across the front in silver and big hoop earrings. The girl underneath her stared up at her with fear in her eyes. And wrapped around her neck where a pair of pale hands.

“Hay let her go!” demanded a male voice and I looked away from the girls to see Derek walking towards the group. The girl slowly razed her gaze to met Derek’s and her eyes were silver blue. She stood up and glared at Derek and she had a death glare painted on her face but I knew she wasn’t half as dangerous as me.

“Pray, she keeps her mouth shut!” she hissed coldly. Derek started walking towards her until he saw me.

“Madison, you came out of your room.” he turned his body towards me.

“Yeah it was only until I felt sorry for throwing Tia down the stairs,” I simply replied. Tia was the girl that was my roommate until I put her in the hospital. And at the time Derek was dating her. But now he was dating the girl who was being strangled by the new girl.

She might be worth getting to know

Yeah wonder what got her put in here?

Maybe she beat up her school bitch

I could see that

Nothing was happening anymore so I turned around and headed out of the dining hall.

“Miss. Taylor how are you feeling?” a voice called out to me. And there standing on the stairs was one of the many counselors in this hell whole.

“I’m fine; looks like you just got another devil child like me.” I explained smugly. And I could see her tense as I said child like me, she knew how much trouble I could cause.

Wow she looks pale

That’s because she knows there could be a girl just as bad as me

She might be as bad as you but no were as crazy

That is so true

I smiled up at the counselor as I walked past her and headed for my room.

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