Chapter 14

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The first thing to do would be to figure out if the errand the Queen was sending them on was a trap or not.  The Doctor was suddenly felt incredibly uncomfortable in the traditional garb, nearly craving to be back in normal clothing, something more familiar so he could feel a bit stronger in whatever it was they were about to do.

That didn't stop him from completely enjoying how Rose looked in said traditional garb.  He should start insisting that she wear dresses more.  That was, if she wanted to.  If she got her memory back, he had to remind himself.

If he was an honest man, he would be forced to admit that even if she didn't get her memory back, he would still want her to come with him in the TARDIS.  Her mother would be furious, but the Doctor would be a very happy man indeed.  There were rare moments in which he admitted to himself he needed her much more than was appropriate for a Time Lord to need a human being, or anyone at all, for that matter.

But it was there, that craving to be near her, close to her at all costs.  And subconsciously, they'd been drawn to each other, wanting everything, more than two platonic friends should want, of course.  She'd been in his lap and he'd been kissing her as though he'd never see another woman in his life.  And even if he did, he didn't think he would want them any more than he would always want Rose.   

"You look thoughtful," she said as they set out on the Queen's errand, waiting for a litter to be brought to them. 

"I suppose I am," he said, almost trying to shove his hands in his pockets before realizing he had none.  "I don't reckon you know what sort of fabric we're supposed to get?"

Rose giggled and shook her head. She seemed to have recovered from her shock, but she kept giving him curious looks, like she wanted to look into his mind and see what he was remembering. 
    "No," she said, "I don't think I know.  Something gold?"

    "Purple," a timid manservant said from next to them.  "The Queen requests purple fabric."

    "Well, that sounds royal enough," the Doctor said, trying to sound chipper.  "And will you be accompanying us?"

    The guard gave a curt nod.  "Yes, as your guard."

    The Doctor inwardly deflated.  Whether she realized it or not, the Queen had foiled any attempts he and Rose could make at escape.  He sighed heavily and absently reached over for Rose's hand.  She was not hesitant in lacing her fingers between his and squeezing gently.
    It really wasn't fair that she trusted him so unconditionally.  He didn't deserve it, and she was still not in her right mind.  Somehow, though, the only thought she had latched onto was that he was supposed to be with her, and she could trust in him.  And that was enough.

    They were led into a litter the same size as before, so it made them sit in the same position they'd been in the first time.  That meant that Rose was rather close to him and one of her legs was over his.  He couldn't decide if it was better or worse that she had the dress-like robes covering her legs, because although less skin was touching, it made her legs look very tantalizing whenever she shifted.

He sighed heavily and leaned his head against the back of the litter.  Rose pulled her hand from his and seemed to get as far away from him as she could.  He slid his gaze over to her and furrowed his brows.  "Rose?"

"What do you remember?" She asked softly, "About us?"

Closing his eyes, he took a few calming breaths.  Of course she would want to know why he'd pulled back from her.  Any other man who had kissed her like he had the night before would've been much more tactile with said kisses.  And he wanted to be.  He really wanted to be.  But what was he supposed to say when she was back to herself and had taken advantage of her?  Last night could be forgiven, neither of them were in their right minds, but today?  He knew, and she didn't.  It wouldn't be fair.

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