nothing but drama

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Darcy stared at Trevor "what's going on Trevor?" Taylor stood by Darcy all protective. Julia who was staring at Trevor looked at Darcy "girlfriend finally fuck boy" Darcy looked at Trevor; he rolled his eyes "don't mess with my chick stupid" Julia laughed.

Darcy looked at Trevor "I'm Julia; Marcus sister... Also known as the college girl" Darcy crossed her arms "you want a reward for that introduction" I started laughing.

Julia laughed and smile "wow feisty little bitch" Darcy smile at her "wow, annoying little who're" Julia stepped forward.

Taylor stepped in the front of Darcy "don't even think about it bitch; we maybe spoiled rich kids. But you don't know our past history..." Darcy cut her off "babe please remove the who're before i throw a bitch fit" Trevor did as told.

Darcy looked out the window pacing back and fourth "Kyle; sit down" Darcy grabbed a cup soda "Kyle I said...." Darcy cut me off "fuck off Kendall... I am calm; but you better be careful for someone else's safety" I looked at her.

Trevor walked in the house "Kyle don't you dare" Taylor looked at Darcy. Darcy rolled her eyes "where are you going?" Trevor grabbed her waist.

Darcy pushed him off "to the gym; let's go hardy" Taylor got up; Taylor kissed me "I'll call you" Darcy hugged me "love you big bro" I healed tight "be safe sis" and they left.

Cameron had the biggest smirk on his face; I looked at Cameron "stop smirking; they ain't breaking up... Trevor is not dumb! His not gonna let her go that easy" Trevor walked in.

Julia walked after him "his not gonna stop Trey, you know that; come back home" Trevor laughed "fuck you Julia; you think just because we fucked you can tell me what to do? Get out now before I call my girlfriend" Julia laughed.

I looked at her "your girlfriend; what she's not a flavor of the week or month? She's your girlfriend.. Your a real man now is that it" Trevor rolled his eyes.

Darcy slammed the door "I'm not gonna be a Shelly... I'm gonna be a Kyle; now listen good you infested twat... Leave now before i have your organs relocated" I smile and howl.

Taylor laughed "oh yeah" I smile with the biggest smile on my face.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2015 ⏰

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