Let's get started

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My name is Kendall Styling sky; I live with my dad Ryan. I'm very much the one kid everyone likes to tease because I live with a single parent.

Pounding on my door occurs knocking me out of bed "Kendall, get up; school, you're going to be late and Imma throw a fit you get mark absent" I sat up on my bed wiping my face "Kendall" the pounding on my door still.

I yawned "I'm up dad" if you ask me, living with my dad is two things. One scary and two kind of fun; because I don't have to deal with feminism.

I walked downstairs and grabbed a pop tart and some water "tell Darcy I said hi, later kid" I ran out the house and drove to Taylor's house and then to Cameron's.

We pulled up into the school parking lot and I see Darcy and her boyfriend; that guy is very cocky in the locker room during P.E, we walked in the school avoiding to be seen by them.

Darcy walked in and she looked really pretty; honestly Darcy looks hot in black.

Trevor was smiling brightly "one more" Darcy peck Trevor over and over as he repeats.

Taylor rolled her eyes "jealous much" Cameron laughed as Taylor laughed "of who? Darcy, not at all, that is all for show" Taylor seemed jealous.

Darcy laughed, we walked to class behind them; Trevor and Darcy healed hands "try having to sacrifice digging in a no guy drawer zone! She hid my wallet in her underwear drawer" Darcy laughed.

Everyone laughed "you promised me no paying on stuffs" Darcy healed his face "I didn't say that" Darcy put her hand up "I promise babe, I will not spend a penny on anything for you" Trevor groans.

Marcus who was one of Trevor's friends laughed "burn, burn" Trevor stick his tongue at Marcus "at least I bought shit for Darcy, what have you bought Chloe" Darcy laughed hiding her face.

Darcy laughed holding Trevor's arm as he lay it on her chest; I stared at them "food sucks here, I was thinking; because the maid was already up! I asked her to make your favorite" Darcy laughed.

Cameron rolled his eyes "I feel so special" Trevor and Darcy make out! Mr. Denali walked in class "okay, please pass your math packets up front" Mr. Denali said.

Trevor had run his fingers up and down Darcy's back and it drove Cameron crazy! Darcy smile at Trevor "babe, oh my gosh; stop that tickles" Darcy said laughing.

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