Fare-mount day 1

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Taylor and I drove to our first day of school; but meeting Darcy and Trevor at Starbucks first! I stood by the counter smiling at Taylor "how did I get so lucky? You are one beautiful eye sight" Taylor smile and laughed.

Darcy and Trevor walked in "what's up people?" Darcy was dress all in dark clothes. Trevor wore the same "you look like your about to throw up" Trevor breathe "no, just nervous" I laughed.

I laughed "Darcy, your boy needs a motivational kiss" Darcy smile kissing Trevor "I said kiss not public sex" Darcy smile wiping Trevor's mouth "better" Trevor laughed "that's how you know your girl loves you" I laughed.

We all walked in Fare-Mount and everyone who knew Taylor, Darcy, and I didn't hesitate to move on the side and clear the halls.

Darcy, and Taylor had a big locker so they shared it with us. Taylor sigh "I love it all 4 of us has same classes" Darcy smile "well, if it isn't the famous Kendall" I turned around to see school slut Amber.

Taylor gave her a dirty stare "Amber, if I didn't know any better I'd say your just... Asking for a attention and sorry boo boo but your not getting it from me" I said and turn around grabbing my bag and walking to class holding Taylor's hand.

Darcy laughed "wow Amber, I didn't know any better I think slutty came more desperate" Darcy said and walked behind us with Trevor.

We all sat in English class, see at fare-mount instead of notebooks and papers; we use laptops and iPad! Darcy pulled out her laptop, I did, and Taylor did too.

Trevor grabbed out his laptop "didn't know you had one" I teased Trevor, he laughed "worked all summer; Darcy wouldn't let me stay home" I laughed.

After just 5 classes we all went to lunch, Taylor sigh "McDonalds don't sound bad right now" Taylor said sounding annoyed.

I stared at my phone "we have 45 minutes until class, blue moon anyone?" I asked our group.

Darcy smile "I'll drive" Trevor said and we all went to blue moon; Darcy and Trevor and I ate fries "why weren't you in school man?" Marcus said to Trevor.

Trevor looked at Marcus "I go to school at fare-mount now" Trevor said to Marcus, he gave Trevor the stink look "so your a private school kid now; great! Call us when the friend we know comes back" I rolled my eyes.

We went back to school and I stared at Trevor "babe, don't feel bad! You said it yourself you need a change" Darcy has been trying to comfort him since we left Blue moon.

Taylor looked at Trevor "I have art, can you please smile when I see you after class" Darcy walked away.

Trevor looked at me "ready for music?" I asked Trevor, he laughed "yeah, lets go" I sat on a chair by Trevor, Amber sat by me "pull her on your lap, she's gonna keep giving you the dirty look" I pulled Taylor on my lap.

Taylor lean her head on my chest "Now wrap your arms around her and kiss her face" I did what he advised me and Taylor smile.

After class Taylor and I walked out holding hands; Darcy walked to us "miss you" Darcy attacked Trevor with a shit load of kisses.

Trevor and Darcy were all over each other; We went to my place, Darcy smile "Kendall" Darcy rings sweetly, I looked up and saw Taylor wore the most amazing bikini.

Darcy lay on her towel, Trevor grabbed the lotion and putting it on her back! Taylor stared at me "I'm so happy Darcy and I squashed things" I smile "me too; you and her are like sisters" Taylor smile.

Taylor smile at me "Darcy told me she's not a virgin" I smile " she told me too" Darcy smile at Trevor.

Trevor smile and laughed "your not doing this right now" Darcy hide her face.

Darcy smile kissing Trevor "I've never seen her that happy" Taylor asked me, I smile "she trust him more than Cameron" Darcy laughed.

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