Michael laughed. "I do, don't I?"

"Well, I mean, we can make it official." Calum batted his eyelashes, a smile rising on his tan cheeks.

There was something about Calum that made Michael fall in love with him every single day. His brown doe-like eyes. His round cheeks. The way he laughed or chuckled or said Mike's name—holding out the letters when he wanted something from the older man.

It was love. It was love, it was love, it was love. They are in love.

Matty cut a meatball in quarters, reaching out his fork and letting Nolan eat of of the silverware.

"What if he chokes?" Luke asks, watching his husband feed their one-year-old with careful eyes.

"Honey, I don't think that goat milk shit is doing much for him." Matty puckered his lips, leaning over the table to kiss their son once more on the top of his forehead. Nolan had hair much like Matty's—uncontrollably long.

"That goat milk shit is good for him, apparently. It tastes bitter, though." Luke quickly covered his mouth as he heard the words he said. "I mean, no, I would never taste his baby food or drinks."

Matt laughed as he sat back in his seat. He reached his left hand over the table, moving Luke's drink out of the way and connecting their fingers. "Did you like being pregnant?"

Luke shrugged, taking another sip from his white wine. White wine because it didn't stain his teeth. "Yeah. I was a nervous wreck though, I didn't want anything to happen."

Matty watched his husband move, watching his every emotion. He knew that sometimes simple words like It would tear Luke apart. It triggered the memories he kept hidden, Matty wanted them to stay hidden. "That was just a fluke, Baby. Look at the pretty, messy creature we created."

"Did you just refer to our son as a creature?"

They both looked over at the small boy, sauce smeared over his face but a laugh still leaving his throat.

"Yes," Matty stated, "I did."

Luke rolled his eyes. He curled his hand, his thumb rubbing over Matty's knuckles. "Do you want another kid?"

The dark-haired boy looked down at his lap, trying to hide the rosy blush. "Maybe."

Luke squeezed his hand. "It's okay," he said, "I do, too."

Michael and Calum were left at the table with just June. Cal switched his spot to across June, Joey and Juli already up in their rooms getting ready for bed. "So, Baby," Cal cooed. He placed his hands over one another, playing with his own thumbs. "Michael and I came up with an idea for the fall. We know your school makes you," he paused, "Anxious. We don't like you being so scared of every day."

June looked up at Calum, then at Michael, then down at the table in front of her.

"Michael kindly offered to quit his job and school you instead. We both love you to the moon and back, and we want the best for you." Calum was speaking to June, but looking at his boyfriend instead.

"One day, when you're a bit older, we can switch you to an online school that doesn't need as much attention and I can pick up a regular job once again," Michael said. He turned his body, crossing his legs. He looked down at June, so tiny in her chair. "It's all up to you, we want you to be happy."

June looked up at the man she's only known for thirteen months. She still remembers first spotting him. He had brown hair and she hated it. Brown was death, like wilting flowers and dead grass. June hated the color.

She stared at him for hours on end from across the street. She watched him move brown boxes into a brown house with his brown hair shining in the sun. June didn't like it.

But, she liked Michael. Michael changed his hair color and repainted his house.

June slid from her seat and Calum sighed in defeat. He was convinced she was going to go running up to her room. It was a lost cause, right?


She reached up her arms, gripping her hands around Michael's torso. Michael giggled, hugging her back. He looked up at his boyfriend, both of them shocked into silence.

"Thank you, Mikey," a whisper filled the room.

Hello, it is cold. How are you?

Thoughts on Matty/Luke wanting to expand their fam?

Michael moving in?

Michael planning on quitting his job of two decades for Cal and June?

How many times do you think I'll cry today?

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