8.0 C'est La Mort

Start from the beginning

"Let me go!" she shouted.

"Hey! Hey! we're trying to help you," he explained to her.

Charlotte glared at him, "I'm not your sister. Stop helping me!" She ran away from them a few steps and did the stupidest thing Andromeda had ever seen a person do. She called for Murphy.

Andromeda ran after her and grabbed her, "Are you trying to get all three of us killed?"

"Just go okay? I'm the one they want, just like last time," Charlotte told her.

Bellamy crouched down to her level, "We're not leaving you."

"Please, Bellamy."

Andromeda and Bellamy looked at each other for a moment before they each grabbed one of Charlotte's arms and carried her though the forest as she screamed the whole time. Andromeda tripped over a root and Bellamy stopped.

"Go, get her out of here! I'll be fine," she shouted at him.

He hesitated for a moment before he picked Charlotte up completely and ran off into the night. Andromeda had the slightest of pains in her right ankle but it was nothing that would slow her down. She pushed herself up and got back to following Bellamy. He could run faster by himself anyway. She followed Charlotte's screams until she reached a cliff. Bellamy and Charlotte were backed up to the edge of the chasm while Murphy and his boys had him surrounded.

"Bellamy! You can not fight all of us. Give me the girl," Murphy said.

"Maybe not," he responded getting ready, "but I'll guarantee I'll take a few with me."

Andromeda came out of the bushes behind them, "Or we can both kill you all."

"Andromeda stop," Clarke's voice came out clear over the rain and everyone spun to look at her. Murphy took this distraction to grab Andromeda and put a knife to her neck.

"I'm sick of you, you little bitch. I should have slit your throat a long time ago," he growled in her ear.

Andromeda looked a Bellamy. Concern was written all over his face. With her eyes, she pleaded with him not to allow Charlotte to do anything that could get her hurt. Bellamy hesitated but held his hand in front of Charlotte to stop her from moving.

Murphy pulled her back against him even further before Charlotte cried out, "No! Please, please don't hurt her."

"Don't hurt her?" Murphy questioned, "Alright I'll make you a deal. You come with me right now, I will let her go."

Andromeda looked at Charlotte with pleading eyes and told her, "Don't do it Charlotte! It's not worth it. I don't deserve to live."

Charlotte made to walk forward to Murphy but Bellamy stopped her. Charlotte screamed, "No, I have to!"

"Murphy, this is not happening," Bellamy told him.

Charlotte's voice when quiet but steady, "Andromeda, I can't let you do this. You already gave up your life once for me. I can't let you do it again! I can't let any of you get hurt anymore. Not because of me, not after what I did." With that, Charlotte turned and jumped off of the cliff behind her.

Murphy loosened his grip on Andromeda and she rushed forward to the edge screaming Charlotte's name.

"No!" she cried out. Bellamy knelt right next to her as she kept saying her name over and over again. Andromeda felt numb as she slowly knelt down looking over the edge of the cliff. She stopped talking, finding the words impossible to say around the massive lump in her throat. She saw Bellamy move from her peripheral vision but paid no attention to him.

She knelt there in the mud not even feeling the rain that hit her skin. She couldn't tell how long she knelt there. She just kept staring at the spot where Charlotte's body disappeared. A strong pair of arms lifted her off of the ground after a while and started carrying her. She didn't know who it was or where they were going, nor did she care. She couldn't feel.

"I've got you, don't worry.... I've got you."

The numbness didn't last too long but by the time it wore off, they were back at the drop ship camp. Her carrier brought her straight past everyone and right into a tent. He gently laid her down and recognized Bellamy's tent. He knelt right in front of her and just looked at her.

"Andromeda..."he began but she cut him off.

"Don't," she snapped sitting up quickly shoving him away from her.

She stood up and paced around the tent for a few seconds before she saw red and flipped the table that had most of Bellamy's things on it. She yelled as she did this and his belongings went flying around his tent. Bellamy sat still and just watched her, allowing her to get it all out of her system.

Andromeda kicked at the now broken table, "Fuck her! Fuck her! Fuck her! How could she do this? She ruins my life and now she goes and throws away hers. I hate her! I hate her so much!"

She had stopped kicking the broken wood by now and stood there just looking at the carnage. All the rage had just left her body and she was now just empty. Tears started to well up in her eyes. She felt responsible for Charlotte's death.

She felt Bellamy move behind her and gently turn her around. He looked stunned when he saw that she had been crying. He quickly wrapped her in his arms and sat down on the bed with her. She let down all of the walls that she had been holding up and cried right into his chest. She cried into Bellamy for half an hour. He never once said anything. He just rubbed her back and cradled her into him.

"It's all my fault. I should have seen if she was here. I could have taken care of her. I should've killed Murphy," she sobbed.

Bellamy leaned back away from her and brushed the hair back from her face, "This isn't your fault."

She sniffed as her tears started to slow.

"Hey, look at me," he told her gently, she did so, "Do you trust me?"

She thought about this long and hard. Did she trust him? After all that he had done? Though to be fair, she had done worse. She looked deep into his eyes and saw that there was no deception or anterior motive behind them. She saw honestly.


The side of his lips quirked up, "Then trust me when I say, this isn't your fault."

Andromeda closed her eyes for a second and then opened them. She gave him a small, weak smile.

"Everything I touch breaks," she whispered.

"I won't," Bellamy whispered even quieter.

She didn't know how to respond to this so she quickly looked around the room to try to find some excuse to get out of this stifling tent. Although, she suspected that it was just her feeling that way.

"I should go, Octavia is probably worried."

Bellamy quickly cleared his throat, "Yea." He shifted uncomfortably in his seat.

Andromeda stood up and opened the flap of his tent, "Oh and I'll make you another table and replace anything I broke."

He smiled up at her, "Don't worry about it. I would have done that eventually. By the way," his voice dipped again, "you do deserve to live. More than any of us..."

She smiled back at him and made her way to her own tent. When she went inside Octavia was already asleep. Andromeda sat down on her bed and rubbed her face.

"Pull your self together," she told herself.

She closed her eyes and rolled her neck to one side and then the other. When she opened her eyes she looked like her normal self but she promised herself to never forget Charlotte. That night she dreamed of Charlotte's death with Bellamy's comforting words echoing in the distance.

A/N: Well there you have it, the end of Charlotte and Andromeda. But on the plus side, she let herself go with Bellamy! Now it's his turn to do the same. Once they let their walls down, there can be romance galore! Let me know what you think!

Last One Standing ➣ Bellamy Blake [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now