Chapter 23: Final Words

Start from the beginning

Oh my gosh, I have to see him, I have to see if he is okay, how he is doing. Like I said, last time I heard about him was that he was in the Emergency Room, or at least I think I said that, I don't know. Who cares I get to see Mason and everything will be alright, everything will be okay. He will get better soon and he will be together forever. Well at least I thought of it that way, my fantasy. I wish that Mason and I didn't meet under the conditions we meet, I wish we meet like off the movies all romantic and shit. Well at least I meet him, right? 

My mind came back to planet earth due to it's short travel in space. I noticed that the nurse was gone. Dang, and I wanted to stare at her beauty more. Like I said also, I'm gay not blind. 

Anyways, I slowly look around to see where they put my clothes so I can get out of this room and go to the room Mason was staying in. I looked to my right to see they had a small cabinet attached to the stand where the lamp was standing on. When you look at it, this room is kind of fancy.

I bent down and pulled my hand out slowly trying to reach for the handle on the small cabinet. I took my time because I didn't want to make my head hurt more than it already did. My hand finally reached the cabinet, I slightly pulled it open, but before I opened it fully I checked to see if anyone was coming.

Once finally clear I yanked the door open to see that my clothes were folded neatly with my shoes placed on top.

I quickly grabbed my clothes and placed them on my lap, quickly regretting how fast I moved I silently whined in pain to myself. 

Once the sharp pain went away I took out some random plug for the heart monitor and pulled it making the machine automatically shut off. Relief came over my body because I thought it was going to go off and I would just have to run with the gown on filling all the wind go in the wrong places as I try to get to Mason.

Following that I took the sticky thinks that were attached to my chest, and pulled it off. I am guessing  it belonged to the heart monitor.

After all that I flipped off my covers and taking my time, got my legs off the bed. I stood and grabbed my clothes as I walked to the other side of the room out of the viewing windows sight. I then took off the hospital gown and replaced it with my clothing along with my shoes

I am so close to going see Mason.

Quickly walking to the door I opened it and walked out there like nothing happen. No one seems to notice me, so I get by really well. "Yes." I mumbled to myself as I walked to the center opening of the hallway where the front desk is, I am guessing.

I hold my head down a little as I approach the woman sitting there at the front desk, hoping she wouldn't recognize me like everyone else didn't so far.

"Excuse m'am, but do you know what room Mason Spears is in?" I asked trying to look calm as possible. 

The lady eyed me for a second then flipped hair and turned to the computer screen, "Hold on." She did her little typing and clicking and stopped. Turing to me she gave me another suspicious glance, "He is is the ICU room 106, but can't-" 

"Okay thank you." I cut her off and ran.

"Hey wait!" she yells, but I ignore her and make my way to where Mason is.  

Running to the elevator I smash the down button with the palm of my hand and waited tapping my feet.  After just only a few seconds I became impatient and headed for the stairs. 

Going as fast as I can constantly turning on the staircase as I went down, I became a little dizzy. Trying to stay focus I hold a tight grip on the railing all the what until I get to the bottom floor. I then swung the staircase door open and speed walked until I seen the room number 106. 

It's a good thing this staircase was right by the ICU section of the hospital. Lucky me.

"102....103....104...105..106!" I exclaimed seeing the magic number.

I cracked the door slightly but grew confused at why all the doctors and nurses were around him like that . Mason looked so cold...

Then the sudden noise of death hit me.....the sound of the heart monitor flat-line.

"Mason!" I screamed throwing the door open. I ran past the nurses and doctors all in there and gripped his hospital gown and shook him, "Mason wake up! Can you hear me? Mason!"

"What in the hell is this kid doing in here?" one of the doctors yelled, "Get him out of here now!"

One of the nurses pulled me kind of hard causing me to let go of my grip on Mason. "No! Mason!" I cried. I felt the tears pouring from my eyes now falling down and hitting my mouth causing me to taste such salty flavor.

I was fully out the room now and the door slammed as everyone in there blocked Mason's body.

"Hey wait your the kid that came in the other day!" the male nurse exclaimed in realization, "Someone get this boy back to his room and make sure he doesn-"

"Get off me!" I yell and jerk my arm from his hold causing him to not finish his sentence.

I made a run for it while the opportunity was there zooming down the hallway back to the stairwell. This time, all the way to the top.  

Running at top speed I check to see if anyone was behind me. No one was, thankfully.

I can't believe he is gone, I just can't. Like what the fuck! Why me out of all people, me damn it!

All my tears were dried up and it caused my face to become itchy. 

When I reached the top I opened the door and realised I was on the roof. I was surprised that I wasn't out of breath because that it is a far and steep walk from the bottom floor.

Walking all the way to the edge I stand on it and let the wind collide with my face giving me a nice breeze. My eyes soon began to sting as the water filled in my eyes again.

I just don't have any thoughts at the moment, just that Mason is gone.

"Hey get from down there!" someone yelled.

"Huh.." I jump and spin around, but my foot missed the edge as it tried to land causing me to fall off the edge of the roof. "Ah..." 

Stunned at what just happened I didn't scream nor shout. My eyes just grew wide as I fell from the building . Gravity was pushing me down pretty fast and I knew I wasn't going to make this fall. So I closed my eyes and said my last words before I leave this world.

"Mason I lo-"

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